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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion mean you paid tution for semester or just the token fee..if you already have funding arranged you might go for I 20 takes just week..and another 3-4 days for VISA..
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    congrats, I dont think they give aid to anyone....but you have to rush if you are international student..
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    ok, it has first orientation on 26th aug and classes start from 3rd sep. so there is still time
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Swarna I think they gave most of the admits around May end and June, so I am not sure whether that would have changed that much, but may be submitting very early on(Dec 12 or Jan 13) might have made difference. I am not sure how many other candidates are on waitlist, but if its just 1-2 then...
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Hi guys, Although, I posted earlier also, but just wanna get in touch with guys who are going for MAFN from India. Please contact me at thanks
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    kumarab thanks, yes I am also going, so just wanna come in touch with guys who are going from India
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Any one here going for Columbia MAFN fall 2013 from India?
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    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    I think if program has good list of maths courses (which it has)coupled one good course on derivative pricing, rest of them 1.5 credit should fine.
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    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    @aaron, Your Rutger program does not seem as comprehensive as Poly's program from Quantitative finance perspective otherwise Rutget as University is not bad as such. Their other two program's seem more appropriate. Poly's program looks good curriculum wise but I am not aware of the quality...
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    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    @aaron that's a good news, I thought it was 200+ seeing quantnet info. But for job search you will be own your own, positive side is that you will be based in New York so you can network and interview a lot, that helps big time
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    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    @aaron, I thought this program is 3 semester long, between how much poly degree cost?Getting rid of Polytechnic Institute would be great actually. Now looking at your list Poly seem better option among others, but I heard it also has very large class size, plus most of the students are from...
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    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    Did not really want to enter into it. But Joy Patahak is 100% right. People who gets into IBD after undergrad goes to their analyst program, which eventually require MBA if you want to move up the ladder. On the other hand in Sales/Trading positions, you can get into them after undergrad from...
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    This must be a record year for MFE applications

    I think another factor could be that many people stay put for last couple of year so did not take chance as in many cases they had to take lot of loan(Indian & Chinese)and saw their saw of getting a job very bleak due to terrible economic environment or in some cases they did not want to leave...
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    COMPARE Georgia Tech vs Stanford Masters in Engineering- Which one will open more doors in Finance?

    you could be a good candidate for Sales&Trading roles even now right after your undergrad...try networking now with your alumni or contacts :)
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    PhD and choices: quant or not?

    Phd in finance would also open up the opportunities to work in P/E, investment management, and i-banks in general...though Quantitative phd could also get you there...but not as much as phd has more business touch, and is generally more valued in corporate world
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    Join Temple Fox School of Business or wait for IIT Stuart?

    I know one guy last year who graduated from fox mfe , out of 25 guys he was the only one got job immediately upon graduation that's because he once worked at Merrill so one of my ex boss helped him get placed.
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    Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

    @loco.... I applied to Gatech....just in case one scenario I have drawn line in sand, that even in that scenario I will only consider if GA tech will give me full scholl....let me tell you something about those some..who dropped columbia and joined gatech...they will...
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    Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

    I too have worked at Merrill (hired through grad program and then SAC), I have most of my friends working in similar capacities and agrees with this. You seem to pick one example and trying to disprove what I just said. I am not giving theorem here but statistics.
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    Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

    MichaelKraus...I am running bit late..but GATech is top school for engineering I never said Georgia Tech is not top school, but its qcf program is just a waste of time & money , they admit students mostly from Chinese & Indian low ranked schools..and nobody is gonna hire them(I said most of...
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    Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

    @jarical & @anton that's not true. Thats not what I meant. What I was trying to say that if you are from Gatech then you may be get good job because you are smart & also have good connection. But being from Princeton , CMU etc then school also helps you a great deal you can get good job because...
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    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    well.....nothing can guarantee 100% success(in your case getting into good finance role in some reputed company)...but going into bad low ranked school will more or less guarantee not getting there
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    Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

    IT or back office job for sure...and those 3 student might be very good anyways..graduate of some top rated university from their respective some smart kid from IIT who had some good friend working in GS, take those exception out and tell me who got in wall street based on Ga...
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    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    on other thought , I would say just pick the best school...and try working out for scholarships or some part time work in Univ itself with some prof etc rather than taking your upfront scholarship to be the only scholarship and then deciding to go to some school based on that.
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    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Undergrad is most important phase of will make a lot diff in terms of where you end...If I were you, I would try to pick up the top rated school...and you being American Citizen as it appears...there are federal loans you can take(ofcourse you know it) I would also try to...
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    Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

    not too bad but wall street will still pass over
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    How to choose Oxford MCF, Chicago MSFM, Columbia MFE and Cornell MFE

    @NewHavenCT I think tonylich is probably right, American managers are most open to hire people foreign background, whereas that's not true in case of UK/Europe and same holds true for I would say Indian managers(although not many foreigner apply here anyways). I think its not because...
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    Oxford, Columbia, Help! please

    Also by and large I have seen two broad routes to these front office jobs. Either getting hired directly after undergrad or MBA if you are in a really good school or you are from good school but did not manage to get through campus hire but know somebody who works in front office role who can...
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    Oxford, Columbia, Help! please

    @roni unfortunately yes. I think there is pretty simple yardstick, are you directly making money?if not hen you are not a front office guy, you may call him whatever you want(I call back office bit hard on myself as these jobs are not really badly paid). Most of these pricing stuffs are done by...
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    Oxford, Columbia, Help! please

    @roni I think if one think about career in corporate world(like in Finance here) then you have got to be in Bank and in banks with winding down of prop trading and almost non existent structuring roles, all you are left with are risk management jobs, client order executing and may be some...
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    What do I do?

    @hariadya you need a reality check. You have no idea what you are talking about. Why do you e-mail them six times?what do you expect them to say? Besides I know people from VTU , and I know all to well about India's local colleges and their quality.(Just to be clear I am from IIT Delhi...
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    Oxford, Columbia, Help! please

    Princeton beats every mfe program hands down....remember with Princeton program you will not only have chance for quant jobs which are back office jobs at wall street but you will have chance to work at PE/M&A and sales & Trading role which are actual front office finance jobs. Just look at...
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    Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

    Just remember from GaTech nobody is gonna give you job of wall street...specially if you have worked at TCS, Infosys and all other outsourced junk or if you have studied at some gaza raja college
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    How to choose Oxford MCF, Chicago MSFM, Columbia MFE and Cornell MFE

    looks like all the chinese students and lot of Indian as well are mad about mfe just wondering whether same is true for MBA. I can speak for Indians, I know they value MBA far more than MFE, mfe is second option or the only option for weaker students. Can anybody comment for Chinese?
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    How to choose Oxford MCF, Chicago MSFM, Columbia MFE and Cornell MFE

    Conor is right. You are not gonna get job in NY if you go to Oxford its very simple may be 1 guy out of whole class if he has somebody close to him working at place where he can get his job. Otherwise nobody is gonna make you fly all the way from UK to USA, and why should one? There enough guys...
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    Goldman (N.Y. City vs Hong Kong)

    @goldski looking at my 2.5 score ...that was the best I could come up with... lol
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    I also got AWA 2.5 and having hard time understanding how can it be so low. I am pretty ok with writing. I saw sample answer on ets and one with score of 4 looked awful there is no way I could be that bad. I think problem with AW is that its left to individual judgment and if he is not in good...
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    Got into BU MSMF and Cornell MEng (not FE but Applied Operations Research)

    also Cornell is near NYC so chances of finding jobs go up dramatically compared to being in Atlanta. I also know many people from IVY league OR programs getting into BCG , Mckinsey , Bain etc for consulting roles, if that's also your thing. Also these consulting jobs beats every quant job hands...
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    Looking for 6 months -- need guidance

    how long will your phd take? if its year or so then dropping out will be one of the most stupid decision. Phd is valuable degree particularly in maths, there are tons of other analytic jobs after maths phd. In quant finance it really matters what you do. If you wanna do HFT than its again waste...
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    Part-Time MFE/MSCF/MSF in New York

    I cant even comprehend why on earth Wharton MBA would even think about menial work like quant, but in case you have to learn quant then may be self study should be good enough. Joy, you need to rise above algo trading.....guy is wharton MBA why on earth he needs C++/algo trading classes. For...
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    2011 Columbia University

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    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    We regret to inform you that you have not been accepted to Columbia University's M.S. program in Financial Engineering. Each year we receive many more qualified applicants to our program than we are able to accept, and hence we are faced with the difficult task of denying admission to many...
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    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    does any one know about University of Boston program? How tough is it to get in etc.
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    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    well its a lost cause now for all of us with pending status
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    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    bakait, you have not mentioned your major at IIT and GPA they play big role. As far as these school are concerned..Princeton is very tough to get in...if below 8.5/10 then very very rare chance
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    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    @Hollyxue There is no such cut off in Columbia, I know people with lower score who were admitted to Columbia MFE
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    2011 Baruch College

    Undergrad IIT Delhi Major: maths & computing 4 year of work experience in quantitative trading in I-Bank, Hedge fund. GPA: 5.6/10 GRE: Q800/V 480/AW 2.5
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    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Thanks Andy. Re-doing gre now too late..I have full time job and applying for fall 2011 programs. I got reject from baruch today (without interview call). I am going now down the rank in program like Gatech, Boston Univ, Purdue. I have some good contacts in NYC which hopefully would help in...
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    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    more or less similar job...I am based out of Mumbai , India. Thinking of moving to new york soon, cant get through my desk , hence mfe route
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    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    thanks AlexandraH.... I know my AW is really very low..I was very surprised when I first saw. Now my concern is whether this along with GPA becomes rejection point. I believe my essay is decent enough and my work experience is in quantitative side plus also strong OO programming skills(in...
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    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    hi guys, just wanted to check what chances my profile stand for top 10 mfe programs. undergrad from top school in India: IIT Delhi, major maths & computing four year of work experience for quant trading desks at Merrill Lynch and big hedge fund GPA: 5.6/10 GRE: Q 800/V480/AW 2.5
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