Search results

  1. ExSan

    Will Trumps election affect international student acceptance rates?

    Forbes - DOJ Memo Bad News For Employers Of H-1B Visa Holders And Other Immigrants
  2. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    C/C++ is not exactly a "comfort zone." C/C++ becomes more complex with each new version, in contrast to Python, which is becoming simpler and more user-friendly with its updates.
  3. ExSan

    Is GPT allowed in real job ?

    Let me ask chatGPT for you. ----------------------- Yes, using GPT tools (like ChatGPT) is allowed in many professional contexts, but whether it is appropriate or permissible depends on factors such as your company's policies, industry regulations, and the specific tasks you're using it for...
  4. ExSan

    Should I learn R? What languages should I also learn?

    Currently, Python is essential as it dominates the programming market, followed by C++. Mastering these languages is not easy, as both are becoming increasingly complex. However, once you understand the fundamentals of both, learning a third language becomes significantly easier.
  5. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    What about 2204(5) Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad ?
  6. ExSan

    Python on Virtual Studio

  7. ExSan

    Best Online R Tutorial

    Is there anything that R can do that Python cannot?
  8. ExSan

    What books are you currently reading?

    Maybe this is the stupid question of the day: Is time continuous or discrete?
  9. ExSan

    Python on Virtual Studio

    I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.10.0 Python Version: 3.11 Quite simple to install, just plug and play
  10. ExSan

    What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

    Rust will follow the same fate as C#
  11. ExSan

    Rebellion Research going against BARUCH

    NYT- Baruch College, an Upward-Mobility Machine
  12. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    Trader Workstation (TWS) API The TWS API is a TCP Socket Protocol API based on connectivity to the Trader Workstation or IB Gateway. The API acts as an interface to retrieve and send data autonomously to Interactive Brokers. Interactive Brokers provides code systems in Python, Java, C++, C#, and...
  13. ExSan


    I agree, MS is not interested on that
  14. ExSan


    Latest Update: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.9.1 Awesome!
  15. ExSan


    You might find Eigen interesting
  16. ExSan

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    Either Lenovo or Dell, seems to be the best ( or HP)
  17. ExSan

    Counting CPU Clock Cycles
  18. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    Hi Dr. Duffy Indeed, it is . I wanted to inform the Quantnet forum community about the approach I took to address the issue. I began by thoroughly debugging the project file. I'll continue to provide updates within the link I previously shared, and in the near future, I plan to incorporate some...
  19. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    I wish Amazon book division will become a library. I will be happy to pay for a membership fee.
  20. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    I had installed the latest versión of Quantlib. Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Version 17.7.4 I followed all the instructions: first realease and then debug mode was also generated, no errors during the installation The error I was struggling with for a while was (trying some...
  21. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    Not so straight to tell you the truth
  22. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    I am chroning the execution time of each of the provided examples. I am a little bit disappointed with some of the outcomes. My goodness the Python version probably takes an eternity.
  23. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    Yes, I did It seems that he is currently focused on the Python version and not so much on the C++ version.
  24. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    pufff, It took much more tries. I posted the problems I had during the installation on the mailing list.
  25. ExSan

    CRR Binomial Tree Convertible Bond pricing (MATLAB)

    The corrector does it for me, shut!
  26. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    I've just installed Quantlib 1.31.1 (not so easy, at least for me) Exploring Quantlib: Testing Examples for Financial Modeling
  27. ExSan

    Loading in financial statements?

    Try Interactive Brokers Python/C++ API, they have it all. TWS API v9.72+: Guide Updates
  28. ExSan


    Today's exsan.h code -Universal C++ "multimap" Container Library- //Copy content of worksheet ppS to ppSout 3 //Today's exsan.h CODE 4 enum class varColsFrom { 5 vTcpIp = 1, vTcpIp0, vTcpIp1, vTcpIp2, vTcpIp3, vTcpIp4, vName, vMale, vIndex, vAge, vValue, vGrade 6 }; 7...
  29. ExSan

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

  30. ExSan


    exsan.h C++ Standard Library Containers C++ language is accompanied by a library called the C++ Standard Library. It is a collection of containers and useful functions that we access by including the proper header file. The containers and functions inside the C++ standard library are defined...
  31. ExSan

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    I would go for 1Tb/Mem 32Gb/RAM For multi threading programming the number of threads should be less or equal to the number of cores, 16 cores I think it is good enough
  32. ExSan


  33. ExSan

    Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022

    I am kind of close to make it. Now I get this error (attached image), does anyone know how to fix it? #include <iostream> #include <Python.h> int main(){ // Initialize the Python Interpreter Py_Initialize(); PyRun_SimpleString("print('Hello World from Embedded Python!!!')")...
  34. ExSan


    For sure you will not go to hell, you are a good guy, no doubt. Regards Doctor Duffy! R.
  35. ExSan


  36. ExSan

    Thought I Bombed The Onsite Interviews, But Was Invited To Dinner Afterwards

    The only thing I am dedicated is to program and develop in C++. I am certainly sure that I would not be able to survive to those interviews to prove my proficiency in the language. No way
  37. ExSan


    It is not a coin/currency, It never was.
  38. ExSan

    RIP Peter Carr

  39. ExSan

    Why is my C++ implementation of a binomial tree so slow??

    MOMDELING DERIVATIVES C++ Justin London This book might help, it has the code you are implementing
  40. ExSan


    //split a long string into substrings // use of break and continue unsigned short nSubStrings {8}; string* ayrFx = new string[nSubStrings + 1]; string line; line = " USD PEN MXN BRL ARS CLP COP EUR"; unsigned short j {0}, i{0}; for (; i <...
  41. ExSan

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    BBG - Wall Street Isn’t Ready for the Crackdown Coming Its Way
  42. ExSan

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    This is a great thread that has been idle for a while.
  43. ExSan

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    What is C++11, and what is not C++11 What are the boundaries of C++ 11? it is not so clear to me
  44. ExSan


    1 int main(void){ 2 //Ack & Ref: jLOSPINOSO 3 auto i{ 0x01B99644 }; 4 std::string xst{ " DFaeeillnor" }; 5 while (i--) std::next_permutation(xst.begin(), xst.end()); 6 std::cout << x; 7 return 0; 8 }
  45. ExSan

    Banning Russian probability

    It is impossible not to cry
  46. ExSan

    Baruch MFE Is it possible to pass Baruch interview with no C++ experience?

    If you know C/C++, learn RUST will take you no more than a week (idem Python).
  47. ExSan

    Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022

    Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 / Version 17.1.1 #include "stdafx.h" #include <Python.h> /***********START***************/ int main(){ PyObject* pInt; Py_Initialize(); PyRun_SimpleString("print('Hello World from Embedded Python!!!')"); Py_Finalize(); return 0; }...
  48. ExSan

    How to display C++ code and math beautifully

    1 //C++ Code 2 int main(){ 3 unsigned short i; 4 printf("Hello World A\n"); 5 i = 0; 6 for(; i < 3; i++) 7 printf( "i -> %d\n", i); 8 //-------------------- 9 printf("Hello World B\n"); 10 i = 0; 11 for(; i < 3; i++); 12...
  49. ExSan

    Banning Russian probability

    NYT - NYT This Is Why Putin Can’t Back Down
  50. ExSan

    Banning Russian probability

    CNN frankly is biased, I rather watch FOX
  51. ExSan

    C++ in Quant Finance

    "C++ is the differentiator between good and very good developers" "From a signalling perspective, however, this doesn't matter. If only the smartest coders are proficient in C++, then you'll need to know the language to be considered a member of this elite group. At Baruch College, which runs...
  52. ExSan

    RIP Peter Carr

  53. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    ExSan Plug-in Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation Application Programming Interface (TWS C++ API)
  54. ExSan


    This traversal visits several trees, INDEX carries on its value throughout a chain of trees ; idem min, max. Every tree is a different scenario, in fact it is a cluster itself All my code is part of a whole, this is another function/library of ExSan ExSan is already plugged into Interactive...
  55. ExSan


    it looks alike to the previous post, but it does something completely different
  56. ExSan

    2022 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    2022 QuantNet Ranking of Best Financial Engineering Programs
  57. ExSan


  58. ExSan


    Today's code
  59. ExSan


  60. ExSan


    Thanks Doctor Duffy for your insightful observations. Kindest Regards!
  61. ExSan


    Today's Code
  62. ExSan

    An interview with Linda Kreitzman and Dan Stefanica

    Number 4; I thought all libraries had "C++/C inside" I couldn't agree more with the rest of your points A big jump is coming with future versions of C++NN. Python will not be able to catch up the brilliant future of C++
  63. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    More high frequency trading charts
  64. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    Breaking the limit of Interactive Brokers zoom (Live)Real Time Analysis.
  65. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    Breaking the limit of Interactive Brokers zoom (Live)Real Time Analysis.
  66. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    NYP - Chaos rules in Soho, where residents say they fear for their safety
  67. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    HI MRoss! Covid is chasing me, but I am hiding behind the bushes, don't tell her. You have been absent for a while as well, I have missed your posts. Cheers
  68. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    The 5 Most Exciting Laptops Arriving in 2022 check out the new Lenovo
  69. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    I successfully transported my code to MS Visual Studio 64 bits (32 bits had unsolvable errors) ExSan + Interactive Brokers C++ API This is my output
  70. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    Xi was skipped !!
  71. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    NYP - NYC rents skyrocket amid record-high inflation rates
  72. ExSan


  73. ExSan


    I have not seen this before, please let me go through it. However, before any comment I would say that my work is kind of THINK DIFFERENT, so far roughly more than 100K lines source code- fully integrated. I developed most of the library of my product, I try to avoid external libraries, as...
  74. ExSan


  75. ExSan


    GitHub: Where the world builds software
  76. ExSan


    Red–black tree ////
  77. ExSan


    Ref; MICROSOFT Release of the 64 bit version of Visual Studio 2022. We will have the launch of Visual Studio the day before November 8 for the Launch of Visual Studio 2022 Visual Studio 2022 is launching November 8!
  78. ExSan


    Binary tree
  79. ExSan


    Very important observacion, I will fix it. I am always eager to learn from you! Thanks Doctor Duffy Best Regards
  80. ExSan


  81. ExSan


    That is a great machine the new one you have, 8 core =: 16 máximum numbers of threads. reg instruction seems to be deprecated Besides threads? I have a program that is several K of source code (MS visual Studio 2019 - Windows) I was wondering how to tell the OS my program has a priority...
  82. ExSan


    Is there a way a C++ program can take advantage of a multicore processor?
  83. ExSan

    Testing your installation of Excel for C++ course

    I am using is your code compatible with this IDE?
  84. ExSan

    Testing your installation of Excel for C++ course

    yes It seems that import instructions (lines 14, 15, 16) need to be updated?!
  85. ExSan

    Testing your installation of Excel for C++ course

    I did copy / paste of your code posted on 8/26/14 Excel Version 14.0 64bis
  86. ExSan

    I love to research. What can I do?

    If you love research, academia may not be for you
  87. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    NYT - Remote Work Is Here to Stay. Manhattan May Never Be the Same. New York City, long buoyed by the flow of commuters into its towering office buildings, faces a cataclysmic challenge, even when the pandemic ends. "New York City, long buoyed by the flow of commuters into its towering office...
  88. ExSan

    NYU Quantitative Finance

    which one of these was the former Polytechnic University of NY?
  89. ExSan

    Boost C++ Libraries

    Thanks a lot Dr. Duffy!!!:) 1.72 seems to be the best suitable BTW where is this option¡? when should be checked?
  90. ExSan

    Boost C++ Libraries

    I am using Visual Studio 2019. I have downloaded from this page and installed boost 1.75 The extracted libraries look fine At the compile time I am getting this message cannot find "libboost........ mt-sgd-x32-1_75.lib" D:\BOOST\boost_1_75_3\stage\lib looks like this It does not appear...
  91. ExSan

    List of Big Data programs

    Center for Big Data Analytics What do you think? I would like to know your comments
  92. ExSan

    Big Data in Finance

    Center for Big Data Analytics What do you think? I would like to know your comments
  93. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    😨 who? please tell me when is the right time!
  94. ExSan


  95. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    NLYP - Here’s where NYC’s real estate market stands right now Homes under $1 million Data providers don’t break down home listing discounts by tier, but sales are booming for properties under $1 million in New York City — up 117% in Manhattan and up 153% in Brooklyn, according to Douglas...
  96. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    NYP - New York City businesses are barely hanging on Nearly one year after the COVID-19 pandemic hit New York, parts of the Big Apple look more like ghost towns, lined with shuttered storefronts, empty office buildings and businesses teetering on the edge of closure.
  97. ExSan

    Quant Finance Clubhouse?

  98. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    NYT - How the Pandemic Left the $25 Billion Hudson Yards Eerily Deserted The largest private development in U.S. history has attracted marquee companies, but is struggling with unsold luxury condos and a mall barren of shoppers. " ... But the pandemic has ravaged New York City’s real estate...
  99. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    Somehow I succeeded. I got you IB - C++ API has someone been involved with Bloomberg C++ API?
  100. ExSan

    GameStop GME and WSB saga

    BBC - Gamestop: 'Failing' firm soars in value as amateurs buy stock
  101. ExSan


    In my dreams
  102. ExSan


    This is a jewel
  103. ExSan


    Biden's watch, ROLEX
  104. ExSan

    I would like advice on how to become a quant

    C/C++ is fundamental, you need a little bit more than being "fluent"
  105. ExSan

    The Queen's Gambit

    All thumbs up
  106. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    Mayhem in the streets: Illegal vendors are overtaking NYC
  107. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    Not necessarily the best place in US
  108. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    New York Post - NY leads nation in population drop, could lose House seat
  109. ExSan

    Tutorial: QuantLib Installation in Visual Studio 2013

    Boost 1.75 is available now
  110. ExSan

    List of Wall Street themed movies

    This is an awesome TV Series! Quants appear in some chapter
  111. ExSan

    Importance of math rigorousness and other questions

    I would love to take this course Pure Mat. Foundations!!! and PDE course!
  112. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    I have done everything I was supposed to do with C++ API - IB, though I still can't make it to work properly After compiling "successfully compiling -no errors-" I press this, the green arrow The program starts to execute, and it halts at this point, at the very beginning It shows this alert...
  113. ExSan


    Please share the code, I will copy / paste and find out my mistakes. THANKS Daniel!
  114. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    There were plenty of garment factories during the 70s, and 80s, today there is no one left
  115. ExSan

    2021 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Is there a school in TX with Financial Engineering (MFE) Program compatible with Baruch? preferably in Austin, does any one know?
  116. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    NYC exodus amid coronavirus, crime
  117. ExSan

    C++ & Python

    Thanks I will try now
  118. ExSan

    C++ & Python

    No doubt Python is a great language, still it is too slow IMO. However I want to keep on with both of them in my project. How to call Python library/funtions from C/C++ code? Can someone help me with the right information. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 I know that before posting a...
  119. ExSan

    Don't use non-western alphabets

    he neither shows up in wilmott
  120. ExSan

    Intro Programming Tutorials for Bloomberg and Interactive Brokers API

    Unfortunately this is not updated. Does anyone know how to use C/C++ Interactive Brokers API? I can not find a good tutorial, an updated one!
  121. ExSan

    Free(or paid, but prefer free) C++ library for get text infomation out of PDF file?

    Coursera has something you might find useful
  122. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    Chelsea spike in crime
  123. ExSan

    Starting to feel like an MFE degree is not necessary for quant finance

    wow!!! ".... If quant finance is such a lucratice career, why are a majority of graduates international chinese and not consist of a diverse student body? What if the international chinese students simply just have better applications than domestic students applying to mfe programs? It's...
  124. ExSan

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    I was wondering how does an excecutable program use the cores of the CPU. Lets say I have two execuatables programA.exe and programB.exe and I launch them at the same time, both of them have been coded to last for let's say 10 min, dummy for loops, do they use a single core? multiple...
  125. ExSan

    Portfolio Maths Question

    I have this case I have run hundreds of times this simmulation of Markowitz portfolio and this eventuatllity is frequent! What is going on, any idea? I am trying to verify the solution; I traverse the first row from left to right and the solution col from top to bottom, and do the...
  126. ExSan

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    I would go for Lenovo and the latest INTEL TIGER LAKE, hopefully this will be launched this month. What do you think?
  127. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    You are right ! South Dakota 'super-spreader' biker rally could be linked to 250,000 coronavirus cases 250K !!!
  128. ExSan

    The changing face of New York
  129. ExSan

    Portfolio Maths Question

    I have coded Markowitz Portfolio in C++, Output is shown and is verified solution of the Sys Eq. Is this a valid solution? since each W_i >1, How to interpret the results?
  130. ExSan


    -ExSan- is my own version of Excel. Console oriented, it's been coded using C++
  131. ExSan

    The changing face of New York

    The New York Times: Manhattan Vacancy Rate Climbs, and Rents Drop 10%.
  132. ExSan

    Application for Fall 2021

    2021! That would be my case also. Of course Baruch is my goal
  133. ExSan

    Try out the QuantNet app

    It works! Galaxy S8
  134. ExSan

    Free Webinar: Daniel Duffy: Some Perspectives on Computational Finance and ML

    Thanks Daniel, I was going to ask you. Cheers. R
  135. ExSan

    Any great quant paper resource?

    Google Lopez Prado
  136. ExSan


    I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Versión 16.6.3 Is the executable 64 bits? how to know, is there a C/C++/boost instruction to know the version of the compiled process? How to set MVS IDE to output executable either 32 bit or 64 bit, is it possible? I know that any CPU will give...
  137. ExSan

    Some new rules (International Students)

    this is a tremendous statement, but real
  138. ExSan

    Face masks?

    A couple of nights ago I saw in CNN Dr Sanjay Gupta using this mask, do you think it is worth to buy it? what is the message when they target an item as Amazon...
  139. ExSan


    Does any one MetaTrader 5 / MQL5 ? I am looking for some help. How to create a DLL? I am using Visual Studio Community 2019
  140. ExSan

    Still worth it to learn C?

    no pain, no gain
  141. ExSan


    Probably It is.I will go over my code and increase the precision. What brings the attention of this problem is that standard library could give wrong results for particular cases, this could help to new C/C++ programmers. Best Regards Doctor Duffy, Stay at Home!
  142. ExSan


    I got this BOOST y = e ^ (pi * sqrt(163)) = 262537412640768183.98118196127384561629 the difference 183.98118196127384561629 all values expressed in terms of the boost library
  143. ExSan


    NO, it is not an integer! Boost Multiprecision proves it
  144. ExSan


    I am working on it, I will post my output in a couple of minutes, seems that I found the problem
  145. ExSan


    Very helpful
  146. ExSan


    I tried a loop over the remainder and couldn't catch anything, I am using the VS2019 / 64 bits I could also try Using Boost.Multiprecision
  147. ExSan


    This is an integer UNBELIEVABLE! isn't it!
  148. ExSan


  149. ExSan

    Joining MFE during Covid-19 pandemic

    I was planning to apply Baruch for September 2021
  150. ExSan


  151. ExSan

    Corona Virus discussion

    I am looking for the link to download the genome of COVID 19 in FAST, FASTQ format. Can someone help me?
  152. ExSan

    Corona Virus discussion

    I am looking for the link to download the genome of COVID 19 in FAST, FASTQ format. Can someone help me?
  153. ExSan

    Corona Virus discussion

    can you share the link, please
  154. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    I had to go over the whole code, took me some time
  155. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    I made that mistake long time ago, I refused to transport my VC++ 6.0 code to updated versions. Then I faced the big struggle to go over the whole of it (+60K lines of code C/C++). Now every time there is another version of VS I do transport it right away, VS does all the job. Currently...
  156. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    No doubt a compiler course for a student of Computer Science is very important (as well for any one who is involved in coding), it makes clear what is going on when you hit F7 in VS, and even more it helps to create efficient and optimal code even in terms of time execution. The dis-advantages...
  157. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    I abandoned that instruction long time ago, the only ones for I/O I use is cin / cout
  158. ExSan

    Face masks?

    I heard that antibacterial soap doesn't help much, just plain soap is good enough
  159. ExSan

    Free C++ Matlab VBA Python code for derivatives pricing

    I will try one more time, again!!! Thanks Doctor Duffy for the link. BTW I am using VS2019
  160. ExSan

    Free C++ Matlab VBA Python code for derivatives pricing

    jajajaje... I wonder if I am not the only one who finds it difficult to install
  161. ExSan

    Is R Necessary? (Generally Speaking)

    Does R do something Python doesn't?
  162. ExSan

    Free C++ Matlab VBA Python code for derivatives pricing

    Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I tried several times! to install it without success. Finally I lost interest on it
  163. ExSan

    Free C++ Matlab VBA Python code for derivatives pricing

    There must be a reason.
  164. ExSan

    A PhD in.... what?

    What about: DATA SCIENCE at MIT Schwarzman College of Computing
  165. ExSan

    CFA: Is it worth pursuing as a Quant?

    What about non traditional asset managers?
  166. ExSan

    Video Tip

    Thank you !!!
  167. ExSan

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    My guess, the code they are giving away became obsolete
  168. ExSan

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    OUCH!!!! Goldman Sachs is planning on giving some of its most valuable software to Wall Street for free Goldman Sachs is planning on giving some of its most valuable software to Wall Street for free
  169. ExSan

    Still worth it to learn C?

    try edX
  170. ExSan

    All Excel C++ Interop Interfacing Visualisation here

    I don't remember the last time I used MS Excel, Google Sheets are the trend
  171. ExSan

    free intraday data for stock: hourly prices

    this file has a problem BTC (Bitcoin) NATGAS (Natural Gas) No data set available ?!
  172. ExSan

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    When is "computing power" high / low (limited) ?
  173. ExSan

    which is more useful in the real world? Python or C++...

    60 times faster!!!! you said it all
  174. ExSan

    regex for parsing dimension measurement descriptions (Python)

    There are two kinds of developer: those that know C/C++ and them that don't
  175. ExSan

    master degree

    Why don't you try online?
  176. ExSan

    Demand for C++ Developers?

    Exactly! "After that all other languages become easy to learn." Python becomes almost a piece of cake, unless you try to implement complex data structure like RB-Tree
  177. ExSan

    which is more useful in the real world? Python or C++...

    Among other courses Compilers I and II would had helped you a lot
  178. ExSan

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Definitely better than VS2017
  179. ExSan

    Quant Documentary

    There is a formula on Paul's left side Ft = |Fxx| did this formula lose relevance? can someone explain how is it related to the Quant Finance World? Why did Paul bring the attention to this formula in particular? any one?¡
  180. ExSan

    Real analysis

  181. ExSan

    Laptops in 2017

    Is this worth ? Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme I like a lot Lenovo, this one seems to be real Extreme!!!
  182. ExSan

    Java instead of C++/Python for MFE

    "data structures and algorithms" I guess just to begin
  183. ExSan

    Java instead of C++/Python for MFE

    IB provides only C++ and Python API No need to say more
  184. ExSan

    Daniel Duffy's C++ ExcelDriver

    Neither I
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