A Quick question about risk management jobs

Well, what I really mean was "a few quick questions". :) Will statistics background and lots of data analysis experience qualify one for such positions? If yes, how should the resume be worded to increase the chance of securing an interview? How many pages should the resume have?? If there are publications from previous academic jobs, should they be listed??

What kind of programing skills are valued for risk management? Is knowing Excel, VBA, SAS, R enough??

Are there also runs and runs of telephone, onsite interviews for risk management jobs? What questions should I be expecting?? Similar or very different from other quant positions??

Thanks for your help!
Will statistics background and lots of data analysis experience qualify one for such positions?
-- Yes.

If yes, how should the resume be worded to increase the chance of securing an interview?
-- Difficult to answer - it depends.

How many pages should the resume have??
-- Generally one, until you have maybe 10-15+ yrs of experience.

If there are publications from previous academic jobs, should they be listed??
-- Yes.

What kind of programing skills are valued for risk management? Is knowing Excel, VBA, SAS, R enough??
-- Depends on the position and the company, of course. They will tell you what they need. What you listed is a good base.

Are there also runs and runs of telephone, onsite interviews for risk management jobs? What questions should I be expecting?? Similar or very different from other quant positions??
-- There are multiple rounds, and more in a recession because employment is now a buyer's market and they know good people aren't disappearing left and right.
Thanks PatM.

Your answers are essentially along the same line of my feels. I understand that much in the resume regard depends on individual cases. It is not easy for someone who hasn't worked in this field to put up a complete resume short and convincing -- especially considering all the additional information you have to add as explanation to how it is related to the field of interest.

Can anyone tell me where I can find the sample interview questions for a risk management position??