Advanced C++ Course Grading Policy

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The following is the grade distribution and policy for the course. Each level will have a grading weight assigned to it. Each individual HW assignment will be scored on a 0-100 scale. The score for each level is calculated based on the average score of all assignments in that level. Quizzes are not graded.

To encourage class participation, an extra 5% will be rewarded to the most active students. This extra credit is provided only to those students who have really established a 'forum presence' throughout their duration in the course; it will be provided at the discretion of the TAs.

In order to earn the certification, you need to achieve an average of at least 70% for the course. A Certificate with Distinction will be awarded to those earning 90% or more.

Module I: C++11 Essentials (15%)

Module II: Advanced C++11/C++14 (5%)

Module III: C++11 Concurrency (10%)

Module IV: Advanced C++ Libraries (10%)

Module V: Advanced Boost C++ Libraries (10%)

Module VI: System and Design Patterns (20%)

Module VII: Advanced Design Patterns (15%)

Module VIII (Optional): Final Project: C++ Applications (15%)

Extra credit: class participation 5%
How will homework be graded?
HW will be graded on correctness, completeness and good commenting as outlined in our hw submission guide. Also, please keep in mind:
  • As this is an advanced course, note that good commenting and code format are expected from the start. Insufficient commenting or badly-formatted code can result in up to a 20 point deduction per exercise.
  • HW that does not compile will result in a ZERO (0) grade, so please take care to follow standard programming practices and spend extra time playing with the demo code provided in each level.
HW Re-submission policy
Students are afforded ONE opportunity on each level to resubmit any individual assignment with a grade lower than 60 (<60). The new grade will not exceed 75 for any resubmitted homework. Students may only resubmit a level until the subsequent level has been submitted; students may not go back and resubmit previous levels.

For example, in your HW submission for Level 1, you receive the following grades:
55 for 1.3.1
80 for 1.3.2
50 for 1.3.3
50 for 1.4.2

You can request to resubmit only problems with less than 60 points (1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.4.2, etc). If you have corrected errors and make improvements, they will be regraded but will not receive more than 75 points on any given problem.

Resubmissions are not allowed for the Final Project.

Final Project
Note that the final project is optional. You may decide to opt out of the final project, but at the cost of the ability to earn the certificate with distinction (since the project is 15% of the overall grade).

You must complete all levels 1-7 within the deadline, with a weighted grade of at least 70%, to qualify for the standard certificate.
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