Advice on undergrad units

I’m a math undergrad in the UK at the university of Bristol. I have to select from the following optional units, could anyone advise me on which 3 I should select.
- metric spaces
- probability 2
- algebra 2 (abstract algebra, rings fields and groups etc.)
- linear algebra 2 (builds on a first year course in linear algebra)
- Applied PDEs
- ODEs 2
- Combinatorics
- geometry
- Stats 2
If you're aiming to be a quant,I'd probably select probability 2,linear algebra 2 and Stats 2. You seem to have a completed on course on ODEs already so that should be fine. I'm probably not the right person to ask, would love for @Qui-Gon to give his thoughts on this one
What are you considering doing after your undergraduate? MFE-type program, PhD in math, straight to industry, something else? Your course selection should definitely be a function of this. Adding to the 3 @WorkofArt listed, I think metric spaces, applied PDEs, and ODEs 2 could also be good to look into. For the latter two I would check what content is covered. Metric spaces has a lot of value in my opinion, the tools are applied in all sorts of places.
What are you considering doing after your undergraduate? MFE-type program, PhD in math, straight to industry, something else? Your course selection should definitely be a function of this. Adding to the 3 @WorkofArt listed, I think metric spaces, applied PDEs, and ODEs 2 could also be good to look into. For the latter two I would check what content is covered. Metric spaces has a lot of value in my opinion, the tools are applied in all sorts of places.
I’m considering part 3 at Cambridge or phd with the aim to go into quant finance in the future. I’m thinking at the moment of doing metric spaces, probability and linear algebra 2 how does that sound? I’ve got good background in ODEs already and will take more multivariable calculus next year as well, hence the omission of PDEs and ODEs from my selection, I think the ODEs course goes into bifurcation theory and that type of thing which doesn’t seem too useful for my goals.