Agile / Scrum / Extreme Programming tools of project management

Is there any interest in Agile / Scrum / Extreme Programming?

My wife is a project manager in a company creating mortgage software for banks. She has made me a convert to Agile as a way to get a project done.

Agile is a way to focus on a small target and then the next target sequentially as the project develops.

Extreme Programming is another project tool. With XP two people work on the same code at the same time. With screen sharing programs this is made easier even if the people are not in the same geographical location. As they say two heads are better than one. As they hit a logic problem, like how to get the answer to display correctly, one will drive and the other is only watching. If that doesn't yield a result then they trade off with the goal of them both working to achieve the objective.

I have found that in my efforts to get the system I have developed worked on what often happens is that the programmer says, "Yes, I understand." Then they go off and are unreachable for days to weeks. Then they come back and say I got it done. But they have gone off into the weeds actually. This is almost comedic if it weren't really serious.

Then the project fails and the next programmer wants to start from scratch and the pattern repeats.

I am firmly convinced that the tools listed above are the piece that has been missing in getting my project complete. According to my wife, most software development projects fail or at least they used to before these methods were introduced and became widely used.

I have found this in my own efforts that the project fails and then has to be started over and over. If the objective and potential weren't so clear I would have quit some years ago in disgust. I have been disgusted but I would push on. Hopefully, the next time I will be Agile and succeed.

The benefits are the Owner is more involved and can head off dead ends faster. The team gets to control itself for the most part. There is a project back log which is the list of "to dos" needed to complete the project. Only one small goal is put up and then only when it is completed is the next goal worked on. This way the project grows incrementally with all the previous code made solid so that it is like a brick house where the foundation is laid and then row after row of brick are mortared in sequentially.

I am not an expert at Agile / Scrum / XP but I think I know enough to change the way I will do projects in the future.

