All the extraordinary humans out there, tell me if i can become a quant this fall.............

GRE: 312
Q-164( 91 percentile)
AWA: 3.5
8 publications in IEEE Xplore digital library............( 3 in finance domain)............
Trading course on markets completed.............

Universities Applied:
Columbia MSOR
Rutgers MSMF
GRE: 312
Q-164( 91 percentile)
AWA: 3.5
8 publications in IEEE Xplore digital library............( 3 in finance domain)............
Trading course on markets completed.............

Universities Applied:
Columbia MSOR
Rutgers MSMF
Your question is vague. There are many jobs out there that different people categorize them as "quants". What will be your chance to get one of them from one of the programs you applied to? That depends on historical detailed job placement statistics which I do not believe are published by any of the programs.
Before that, you have to get accepted into the programs, and do well enough to secure internship/job offers. There isn't enough info to say you will get into any program. There are hundreds applicants like you apply to each program.
What's your major, GPA and rank of your undergrad institution?
Anyway I think the first thing you should do is to secure a place in the programs you applied to.
You'll be interviewed if your profile looks interesting before the Columbia MSOR adcom makes a decision on you. The admits should be sent out by March 31. Why not search for the interview info available online and prepare for it now?
For Rutgers, I think they've sent out many admission offers but there is still hope. Application statuses of some of my friends are still pending.
Only a few applicants have received the admission from USC via postal service. The MFE adcom has admitted many Chinese students in the past years so I think the chance for international students is high.
My major is Computer Engineering.....
GPA : 3.2/4.0
Undergraduation from India's 18th best Engineering College( Pune Institute of Computer Technology...University of Pune)
Lyn Huang

And I also have a summer internship at Larsen & the strategic planning team where i learnt about financial planning

Will my publications in IEEE help me...........

My publication topics:

1. Stock market forecasting using BP Neural networks
2. Virtual Banking for customer management using data warehousing
3. Overview of decision tree algorithms in machine learning
4. Online C/C++ compiler using Cloud Computing....................and 4 more

I also stood first in the school and within top 3% of entrants from India in International Assessments for Schools (Mathematics) conducted by the University of New South Wales in 2001
Worked as the Head of Publicity team for ‘Credenz 2011’, the annual technical symposium organized by the PICT IEEE Student Branch
Worked as the Head of Venue and Logistics team in ‘Impetus and Concepts 10’, a national level project symposium
Andy Nguyen

And my grades in pre requisites courses like linear algebra , calculus I,II, Probability, Computer programming are good( Grade A.............first class)

Please guide me thru .........and suggest me mod Univs where i can still apply for mfe, if necessary, i.e , if u'll think i can get thru Rutgers MSMF or USC MFE???
I think your background is very competitive indeed. Since you mentioned you stood first in the school I figure your GPA is good, too. Although it does not look good when comparing with a GPA as high as 3.9... different schools have different grading systems so don't worry abt it. Your Verbal score is 148, right? That's a little bit low. On the whole, I do think you can get in Rutgers and USC.
Did you only apply to three programs? The MAFN program at Columbia U is still open to application, you can have a try. Also UCB's MFE... they love ppl with work-ex :)
But why have you directed your question only to extra-ordinary people...Can't a hoi polloi like me provide some input :P
Hey darth..............everyone is invited to post here.................
N Lyn Huang...........thnx for the review.........
n yes ..................i have applied only to three programs till date.............
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