am i qualified yet?

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Much appreciation to the members that offer regular advice on this board.
I would like a basic assessment whether I qualify as a good candidate. I am pursuing a BS in business administration with a concentration in Finance and Accounting. Also on track for a BA in mathematics and a minor in CS. My GPA is 4.0 finance| 3.3 Accounting | 3.90 Mathematics | 4.0 CS. I have two somewhat relevant internships (UBS PWM and an IPO trading shop) and one not so relevant, but nonetheless still impressive internship (Congressional Intern.) I plan on taking part in undergraduate research (Economics) this semester, math competitions next semester, and a required thesis during my final semester. GRE I have not taken yet. My course listing is as follows:
Derivative Analysis
Calculus I,II,III
Discrete Mathematics
Multivariate calc
Numerical algorithms
Line alg and matrices
Differential equations
Vector calc
Linear programming
Complex variables
Intro to computer science I & II (java)
Intro to C++
Now for some concerns of mine:
1) My school is not very well known (one of the UNC state schools). Is this a negating admissions factor like it would be for other programs such as an MBA?
2) I am going to be in undergrad for close to 6 years before I graduate. Will anyone care? Will it come up during interviews?
3) some ideas to spend my final summer so I can impress adcom? Research vs internship?
1) Does it matter if it is negative? At this point you can't do anything about it so forget it and focus on the things under your control.

2) I did 5 years and on my resume instead of saying university from 200x to 200x I say "Graduated 200x". This could come up in an interview so just be prepared to explain why specifically (beyond I like to learn, etc).

3) If you will have already done some research in economics and hopefully done well and gotten a good letter of recommendation from it, then I would say get an internship especially if it is relevant to your interests.

Why the accounting?
Hey conor i need your help.i have been accepted by a university for both mechanical engineering and quantitative finance(math and statistics concentrated) and i have to make a choice between the two.I want to persue a career in financial engineering.I am realy confused by which undergrad degree to persue as i am both passionate about both mechanics and finance.Which of the 2 would prepare me better to become a quant and which of the 2 do MFE schools prefare when admitting?.Which of the 2 is ideal for a future quant?
Hey conor i need your help.i have been accepted by a university for both mechanical engineering and quantitative finance(math and statistics concentrated) and i have to make a choice between the two.I want to persue a career in financial engineering.I am realy confused by which undergrad degree to persue as i am both passionate about both mechanics and finance.Which of the 2 would prepare me better to become a quant and which of the 2 do MFE schools prefare when admitting?.Which of the 2 is ideal for a future quant?

What university? I'll take a look.
Hey conor i need your help.i have been accepted by a university for both mechanical engineering and quantitative finance(math and statistics concentrated) and i have to make a choice between the two.I want to persue a career in financial engineering.I am realy confused by which undergrad degree to persue as i am both passionate about both mechanics and finance.Which of the 2 would prepare me better to become a quant and which of the 2 do MFE schools prefare when admitting?.Which of the 2 is ideal for a future quant?

I did my undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering and am currently pursuing Masters in Financial Engineering. If you want to pursue FE a undergraduate in mathematics will aide considerably when you do MFE, but there are significant benefits of having an undergraduate engineering degree.

If you are 10000% confident you will pursue financial engineering then mathematics and programming courses will be your biggest assets, otherwise Engineering is the way to go in my opinion.
Hey conor i need your help.i have been accepted by a university for both mechanical engineering and quantitative finance(math and statistics concentrated) and i have to make a choice between the two.I want to persue a career in financial engineering.I am realy confused by which undergrad degree to persue as i am both passionate about both mechanics and finance.Which of the 2 would prepare me better to become a quant and which of the 2 do MFE schools prefare when admitting?.Which of the 2 is ideal for a future quant?

The degree in quant finance isn't really enough to get you a job in quant finance on its own unless you are lucky.

I would recommend going the engineering route. It will prepare you for a career in engineering but also will give you the needed background to pursue a MFE. This option gives you more job options in the future.