Anyone knows MFE at NTU in Singapore?

I guess some pals here are from Asian so I would like ask about admission to the MFE program in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. NTU offers both full time and part time programs and I'm applying to the full time path.

My profile: I have beene/ working in Singapore as an electrical engineer for 2 years. I don't have any formal training in finance though I am studying for CFA level I exam. I hold Master degree from NUS (another local university) and Bachelor degree in China both in engineering with GPA above 3.9/4.0. I love math and did well in math courses but my present job actually doesn't involve much math or programming. Also I once won 1st prize in China's College Math Modeling Contest back in college.

Besides, I'm not sure whether I can have the GRE requirement waived (I took GRE test years ago and got 740 for Analysis & 800 for math. However the score has expired). If I can't, I have to re-take the test.

I heard that admission to the program is extremely competitive. Anyone know what a typical admitted student's profile is like? How much is my chance of being accepted? Also please comment on the GRE issue if you are familiar with the program. Thanks a lot.
In terms of Asia's program, I think only three programs that may find you a job in the related areas after graduation are NTU, HKUST, and NUS. UTS may be good too but location is no good. It is not easy for foreigners to get a job in Sydney. Also, their market status quo for quant is Phd. You will find that several of their graduates had voiced out concerns on I do not like to comment negative things but you can find out. I am not sure about CITY U and HKU in Hong Kong because they are not so mathy enough.

This is mainly Baruch's MFE forum. This is a good program, low cost with good location. I am not a student. However, Baruch looks promising by judging on their course list. NTU is a good program according to a friend of mine who did it a few years ago. My suggestion is you should write them an email to find out. This is the best solution. If you want to find a job in Singapore after graduation, NTU or NUS. If it is HK, HKUST. If it is NY, then you ask the people in this forum. I think Courant, Columbia U, Chicago U, Stanford and Berkeley are all branded but Baruch is a good buy with growing reputation. Good luck. Branded stuff cost a lots.:)
Besides, I'm not sure whether I can have the GRE requirement waived

no u can't. Your previous GRE is quite impressive.

I heard that admission to the program is extremely competitive. Anyone know what a typical admitted student's profile is like?

yes, very competitive, only 40 seats. sounds like you're a competitor to me. hopefully we will end up as classmates :-)
sample GRE result of those admitted: over 1500 for verbal and quant section.
there are phds, MBAs, scholars, 1st class hons and also those with good banking experience in the course.
hi, guys, i am new in here.

acutally i have been admitted by NTU MFE, and here is the dilemma, i am also admitted by EDHBC master of risk management, a french school in Nice, maybe some of u guys have heard of it.

i hope any of u guys with experience can give me some advice on which school should i choose.

and one more thing, i am waiting for the result of LBS master of finance application. a couple weeks ago just had interview with citi's wealth management vp, who is an alumni
I'm afraid you will find little info about programs in Singapore, EDHBC, LBS here as we are mostly NYC centric.
Choosing a school is a tricky business that requires intimate knowledge of each program and proper assessment of one's personal need and background. I doubt anyone would be able to do that but yourself.
Interview at MFE Nanyang


Can anyone help me with the kind of interview questions that are asked for MFE ?
I Hold an Engineering degree in Comp Science and worked for 3 years as a software developer. For 3 years I worked as a business Analyst in the Financial Securites Domain though I never had a formal training in finance. Maths was there in my engineering sylabus.

Want to know if they would be asking any technical questions in maths,comps and finance ?

Thanks & rEgards,