Avoid this U of Toronto MMF program: SCAM

1. You fail course twice and you're expel, bye to your 40k.
2. The job placement and internship stat are lie, people doing paper a "successful" placement. Job placement stats of "all placed after 3.5 months" is lie, talked to mmf grads from last year at winter reception many still looking for job.
3. Teaching quality REALLY low (Jaimungal ok thougt).
4. Incoming students getting worse and worse, so far two profs called class "weakest class in history of program."
5. No wonder no one do review for program, everyone regret coming here.

UofT fake school, don't come here you'll regret forever.
That's unfortunate I guess. Write a longer and more detailed review then, so people can get a better picture of the program
1. You fail course twice and you're expel, bye to your 40k.
2. The job placement and internship stat are lie, people doing paper a "successful" placement. Job placement stats of "all placed after 3.5 months" is lie, talked to mmf grads from last year at winter reception many still looking for job.
3. Teaching quality REALLY low (Jaimungal ok thougt).
4. Incoming students getting worse and worse, so far two profs called class "weakest class in history of program."
5. No wonder no one do review for program, everyone regret coming here.

UofT fake school, don't come here you'll regret forever.

There are other such programs, at least one of which is on Quantnet's list of top 25 programs.

Postscript: So is Toronto, I just noticed. So much for rankings.
more info on above point:
1) kreinin teach stocal in 4 month (BOTH BOOKS!?!??!) in 13 lecture, also he just bad prof, used to be really good but losing motiviation
2) ken jackson class 52% average on midterm!!!! and then he cancel all tutorial!>!??!?
3> sad but jaimnugal slowly moving away from program as it getting worse,he used to teach 2 courses but now only teach half of one,
4. don't come here, dont apply, i know others say i wrong but swear all info accurate, you WILL regret. already 2 student drop out, sad, one year wasted life and one person parent might loose house due to student loan, THAnK U u o f t
Of the 5 points you posted in the OP, point 1 is actually a very good thing. I don't know many students (if any) actually got expelled from their MFE programs. So at least, Toronto MSMF is doing it right in that regard.
Of the 5 points you posted in the OP, point 1 is actually a very good thing. I don't know many students (if any) actually got expelled from their MFE programs. So at least, Toronto MSMF is doing it right in that regard.
maybe, i just like to post this since info not on website,and not given by admin, hidden well. sneaky.
Also here evidence that program FORCE student to take FIRST offered internship, even if not interest at all:


I know some of you are starting to interview and getting offers.
You get an offer you must accept it unless you get 2 offers at the same time and then you can decide.
Unless you spoke to me prior you must accept your first offer.
Remember this is an internship and you need the experience.
If you have any concerns or questions please let me know?


Wow, that's kind of ridiculous, but I don't think they can really force you to do anything. Worst case, you just have a discussion with them assuming you have a good reason.
Of the 5 points you posted in the OP, point 1 is actually a very good thing. I don't know many students (if any) actually got expelled from their MFE programs. So at least, Toronto MSMF is doing it right in that regard.

My MS in Stat program doesn't expel students even if they are caught cheating . So I kinda agree that the first point is pretty good.

Edit: well anyways, I never though I would see such a polemic criticism of a MSMF program here, but it was quite entertaining and informative.
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My MS in Stat program doesn't expel students even if they are caught cheating . So I kinda agree that the first point is pretty good.

Edit: well anyways, I never though I would see such a polemic criticism of a MSMF program here, but it was quite entertaining and informative.

I understand that i come off hard but literally program has destroyed some people lives. Thankfully i ok, only need to live with shame of coming to u of t and wasting family money....
But others might have bad bad consequence (one family might lose house), very surprised that this thing go on in canada. In my country canada has reputation as honest and nice, but i geuss uoft might be exception.

Agree that people make own decision to come and spend money on worhtless degree here but this program LIE about stats and LIE about requirement. Ok if give all correct info from begin but they LIED.
Hopefully they get shut down soon and stop stealing money and hurting people.
some questions over the comments here:

1. being able to clinch an internship is a great start, but is somebody being choosey over the offers? Here in the US students are desperately waiting for interview calls.

2. Is somebody expecting to pass an MFE course after failing it twice?

3. Is somebody expecting the profs to spoon-feed students with materials, instead of the students doing their own research studies?

4. Are applicants relying too much on stats to predict their future career paths? Past results are not an indication of future results.
some questions over the comments here:

1. being able to clinch an internship is a great start, but is somebody being choosey over the offers? Here in the US students are desperately waiting for interview calls.

2. Is somebody expecting to pass an MFE course after failing it twice?

3. Is somebody expecting the profs to spoon-feed students with materials, instead of the students doing their own research studies?

4. Are applicants relying too much on stats to predict their future career paths? Past results are not an indication of future results.

1. dunno about us, so can;t comment

2. agree but this not on site or told to student before enter in program, ie they covered this up

3. profs teach from paper they wrote, say "cover this topic since we dont have time in lecture since course is too fast." i am of opinion that if prof does not cover in lecutre large topic (kreinin skipped all of brownian motion basics, expected students to catch up, jackson skipped three chapters in book told students to learn on own), agree about spoonfeed but this unfair.

4. old stats were LIES, ie they say 100% internship but this false. agree with your point but program lie to face about placement stats.
Hello Carl, you are acting as a sort of journalist in this thread, and are presenting some very impactful information to applicants of the program (whose deadline is in a few days). I appreciate that you are helping others avoid a potential mistake.

Since you are acting as a journalist could you provide some sort of evidence that you have attended the program and had these experiences? I noticed that you joined this website yesterday so adding some support to your claims would clarify your motives. Maybe a picture of a student ID with personal information blacked out or something. This is the kind of thing a real reporter would do to support his/her claims.
Wow, that's kind of ridiculous, but I don't think they can really force you to do anything. Worst case, you just have a discussion with them assuming you have a good reason.

From their website, it seems like their internship program is very organized and they work at finding and coordinating internships. At a lot of programs, you're basically on your own. If the career advisor went to some length to procure an offer for a student, it's understandable that she'd want you to accept it.
2. agree but this not on site or told to student before enter in program, ie they covered this up

I don't know where you're from, but in pretty much every university I know of, there are minimal academic standards you have to maintain to stay in the program. If a student isn't aware of these, then that's really his/her own fault. This isn't high school. Every student is supposed to be a fully-functioning adult.

Now if the standard is very unreasonable, I could see someone being tricked. But failing a class twice is hardly unreasonable. Given that most of the students aren't failing classes twice and being kicked out, such a student just has to accept they are not up to the standard. That's life.
This is very lenient compared to many schools I know that kick you out after failing only one class. They shouldn't have to tell you these policies on the website. They wouldn't accept you if they didn't think that you could do the work. They want to make sure that they can market the class to employers. If you fail twice and lose tuition money, you really only have yourself to blame. This isn't undergrad.

With regards to the forcing you to take an offer thing, I understand that if they went to great lengths to get you the contacts, that they want you to take the offer so that they can keep the employer happy. However, they can't make this a condition for staying in the program--especially if the offer is contrary to the student's best interests. That is that. If they really kick you out for that, that is unethical. A school is not buying you. You are buying them, and you have paid for their services...not the other way around.