Baruch MFE Capstone Projects Presentations - Friday, February 22, 6-7:30pm


Baruch MFE Director
On Friday, Feb 22nd at 6 PM in Room 3-160 of the Vertical Campus (corner Lexington Avenue and 24th street), the Baruch College Masters in Financial Engineering Program will be hosting a special QuantNetwork event featuring four Capstone projects from the most recent MFE graduating class. The four student teams were advised by Dr. Sylvain Raynes from R&R Consulting, and all four projects were in strucutured finance.

This will be an excellent opportunity to experience trench warfare in structured finance in vastly different areas. The topics and students are as follows:

1. Peik Looi (The Ostrich Game as a Paradigm for the Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis)

2. Maggie He (The Cyber-Note Concept for NYC Homeless-Shelter Efficiency)

3. Eddie Yu and Katherine Kim (Fundamental Credit and Liquidity Analysis of ABCP Conduits)

4. Joe Bradley and Charles Dora (Laplace Transform Formulation of Liability Structuring)

Please RSVP if you are planning to participate, to facilitate your access into the building.
Access in the Newuman Vertical Campus

I will leave the names of everyone who signed up here with the guards downstairs, and someone will be there to greet you, so there should be no snafus in this respect.
Gus, Jose, Nelisa, and everyone else who signed up here, I left your names with the guards downstairs.
I don't see any sign of cancellation so far. Dan is already here now :) and Maggie, and Eddie...
The event is on! Catering has been ordered already :)
I know Muting has not eaten since last night in anticipation. He is a rapidly growing young man, so I hope you have ordered enough food.
All presentations were GREAT!!! Congratulations to Peik Looi, Maggie, Katherine, Eddie, Charles and Joe, and, foremost, to their mentor, Sylvain!!!
All presentations were GREAT!!! Congratulations to Peik Looi, Maggie, Katherine, Eddie, Charles and Joe, and, foremost, to their mentor, Sylvain!!!

:) Also thank everyone that showed up, and the great time in Grand Sichuan afterwards .....