Baruch MFE - do I have any chance?

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I graduated from Baruch with an undergrad BBA in Economics about 3 years ago, and my GPA was pretty mediocre due to some personal issues at the time (3.1).
However, since graduating, I have catapulted my career and self taught myself Data Engineering, Software Development and have risen to a Senior Associate role at Nomura Holdings where I manage a large portfolio of applications as a Software Project Manager. I also have fantastic contacts for professional referrals - Senior VPs at current role, CEO and CTO of past companies

Outside of work, I have been studying Machine Learning and have successfully built a sports betting model for NBA in Python that has generated me a modest amount of extra income. I have become very interested in quantitative finance and I want to go back to school to polish my quantitative skillset and pivot from IT/Software to Quant Development/Research.

However, I'm aware that the competition for Baruch MFE is extremely competitive and selective, and I fear that my bad undergrad GPA will rule me out almost immediately.

If I take all the Pre MFE courses and do very well, and present myself well in the essay, do you think I'll have a chance?

They won't rule you out based on the GPA - if you really know the material in the pre-me courses and can prove it in the interview(s) then you'll get an offer (this does not require you to actually take the courses, though if you can then I'd recommend doing it to meet some professors and get a feel for the program). You better know it inside and out though, be confident in your skills in the 'basics.'

Linear algebra,
numerical Linear Algebra,
ode (pde?)
They won't rule you out based on the GPA - if you really know the material in the pre-me courses and can prove it in the interview(s) then you'll get an offer (this does not require you to actually take the courses, though if you can then I'd recommend doing it to meet some professors and get a feel for the program). You better know it inside and out though, be confident in your skills in the 'basics.'

Linear algebra,
numerical Linear Algebra,
ode (pde?)
Thanks for the reply!

I'm going to do the Pre MFE courses, as I can get tuition reimbursement from my company. I feel like I need some refreshers on the topics and as you said, to meet some professors and establish connections.

Just wondering - do you know if the dates for the Fall 2025 application deadlines are the same as last years? As in they start in November? I couldn't find them online anywhere and just want to make sure I didn't miss them.

Thanks again
@grxthy You sound like a perfect candidate to do the part-time program there.
You get to keep your current job, earn a salary, get the company to pay the tuition.
All the courses are in the evening. It will be a tough 2, 3 years but I think you should play more to your strength as a working professional.
@grxthy You sound like a perfect candidate to do the part-time program there.
You get to keep your current job, earn a salary, get the company to pay the tuition.
All the courses are in the evening. It will be a tough 2, 3 years but I think you should play more to your strength as a working professional.
Hi Andy, thanks for the reply!

This is great to hear, as I was also wondering if PT was possible in this program.
I was originally planning on applying for the Fall 2025 start - but I'm wondering if I should take more time to self-study/take the Pre MFE courses to make up for my undergrad and fill any holes in my quantitative skillset. I already have a great foundation from my practical experience using Python/SQL for statistical data analysis and DB design, along with working in the Financial Services industry at a very large global bank (back-office). But my knowledge in areas such as C++ and more advanced Calculus is lacking.

If I complete C++ for FE and Options Primer for FE courses within the next few months, do you think I could still make it in to the program come November when apps open? Or should I wait a little longer to further enhance my math and other subjects.

Really would appreciate any insight.

I'd take the classes and apply and if you don't get in you can just reapply. The only way you can gauge if you're mathematical preparation has been sufficient is by applying imo and taking the QBA/Interviewing
Yeah makes sense, that's my plan right now.

One more note, if anyone could help me out with this - is there any date when these classes will be open next?

I only see "Registration for the 2024 Spring Pre-MFE seminars is now open." but nothing about when the next available courses will be. In my undergrad I only completed Calc 1 and I see that 2 courses of Calculus is required. In this case, will my application only be eligible if i take another calc class? Or are all applications viewed holistically?
If I complete C++ for FE and Options Primer for FE courses within the next few months, do you think I could still make it in to the program come November when apps open? Or should I wait a little longer to further enhance my math and other subjects.
Because you don't have two calc courses you don't meet the pre-requisites for the program and you will not be accepted.
In my undergrad I only completed Calc 1 and I see that 2 courses of Calculus is required. In this case, will my application only be eligible if i take another calc class? Or are all applications viewed holistically?

One more note, if anyone could help me out with this - is there any date when these classes will be open next? View attachment 53400

I only see "Registration for the 2024 Spring Pre-MFE seminars is now open." but nothing about when the next available courses will be. I
@dstefan, can you give any timetable for the fall offering? I think there is a fall offering.
Definitely take the C++/Options courses here and the full set of pre-MFE courses when they open. I believe starts in August.
The courses here are open 24/7 year round and at your own pace. The pre-MFE math courses are offered at certain specific dates. They are especially beneficial for you as someone who needs a refresher on math courses. They are pretty intense.
The trick would be to game plan and fit everything in your schedule. It's a huge load for someone working FT and taking these courses.
FT and PT students at Baruch are taking the same courses so they have the same intensity. Many people didn't expect or prepare for the that.

As for Fall 2024 or Fall 2025, it would depend on how these preparation fits. You can always apply next year since you will have a stronger profile.
I think you came to the right place to ask these questions. It's a huge advantage over other applicants who don't fully use the resources here.
Because you don't have two calc courses you don't meet the pre-requisites for the program and you will not be accepted.

@dstefan, can you give any timetable for the fall offering? I think there is a fall offering.
Ok this is helpful. So looks like giving myself more time and applying for the Fall 2026 start time is the best bet - more time to take the seminars and also space out my learning.

Looking back at my undergrad transcripts (it's been a while...), I see that I have a C+ in my Calc 1 class (🙃). So according to the pre-requisites, I have to take 2 more, as my previous semester in Calc is below a B. Is this correct?

I have been self studying and have a much stronger math foundation than I did back in 2019 when I took that course - would jumping to the Advanced Calculus with FE applications course be enough to satisfy the 2 semesters of Calc pre-req? Or would I still have to take 2 classes with grades >B?

I.e. would taking these Pre-MFE seminars and passing with distinction "override" the requirements for Linear Algebra, Probability and Calculus?
Definitely take the C++/Options courses here and the full set of pre-MFE courses when they open. I believe starts in August.
The courses here are open 24/7 year round and at your own pace. The pre-MFE math courses are offered at certain specific dates. They are especially beneficial for you as someone who needs a refresher on math courses. They are pretty intense.
The trick would be to game plan and fit everything in your schedule. It's a huge load for someone working FT and taking these courses.
FT and PT students at Baruch are taking the same courses so they have the same intensity. Many people didn't expect or prepare for the that.

As for Fall 2024 or Fall 2025, it would depend on how these preparation fits. You can always apply next year since you will have a stronger profile.
I think you came to the right place to ask these questions. It's a huge advantage over other applicants who don't fully use the resources here.
Agreed! Everyone replying has been very helpful.
Noted about the August start date, I am awaiting confirmation from my department head about tuition reimbursement and then I will enroll into C++ to get started as soon as I can.
Because you don't have two calc courses you don't meet the pre-requisites for the program and you will not be accepted.

@dstefan, can you give any timetable for the fall offering? I think there is a fall offering.

Do you know if there are any recommended courses that would fill the Calc 1 + 2, Probability, Linear Algebra pre-req requirements for Baruch MFE?
Any college.
If your work pays for it, take it at a good college.
Got it. My work only covers a certain amount per year, and I'd rather have them cover as many of the Pre MFE courses and seminars as possible. So I think I'll just need to retake my 1 Calc class for a better grade at a different school (SUNY/CUNY), and the rest of the Pre MFE seminars should cover the other pre-reqs (Advanced Calc, Linear Algebra, Probability), at least this is what Weissman Admissions office told me. Of course lots of self study will be needed, but just trying to put together a plan for the next 1.5 years to make sure I cover all topics and put myself in a good position.

Thanks again for the help and responsiveness, if you (or anyone else on this thread) have any other advice please let me know.