Basic Errors to Avoid When Interpreting Survey Statistics

I'm a fan of because I learn new tips/tricks/info daily. Here is one that may be useful to a lot of us who is interpreting data/number daily.

Link Basic Errors to Avoid When Interpreting Survey Statistics
Today isn't just a pretty neat date (20/10/2010); it's also World Statistics Day. While designed to celebrate the collectors of national statistics, it's also a timely chance to remind ourselves of traps we often fall into when looking at survey data.

Everyone loves quoting a statistic, and no wonder: specific numbers always sound more convincing than broad generalisations. However, not all statistics are created equal—the results of a web poll are demonstrably less valid than votes in a national election—-and many of us misquote data for our own ends even when the source is basically reasonable. Here are some simple issues worth bearing in mind whenever you consider statistics. They should be obvious, but they're often ignored.
I like. (too much FB...)
Andy, Maybe you should add the capability to "like" and "dislike" a post or comment or article in the forum or even the site in general. That would be useful I think.
We have an internal Like system we develop for our next rollout of the site. People would really like it (pun intended).
Facebook like will be implemented on the forum site. You already can like the articles we have on the front page. If you haven't, go ahead and like crazy.
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