Become a Quantitative Analyst with statistical background?

I have a phd in transportation engineering. For my dissertation, I did tons of statistical analysis, and therefore got a master in statistics. Having worked on both industrial and university sides in transportation field, I decided I want to do something different. I am good at SAS and have analytical research experience (stats modeling). How far away am I from being able to become a quantitative analyst? What should I do to make myself qualified for joining the quant team? Thanks for your advice!
try to get some interviews. talk to a recruiter
Thanks alain!
But do I have to have some type of financial background prior to doing that?
I also saw the book list put up by all you guys. That is enough books to keep me busy 24/7 for a couple years. :) Is there a threshold at which I can sorta say to myself "now, I am almost ready"?
talk to a recruiter specialized in this field. He/she will put you on some path. Search for Todd Fahey here in QN.
talk to a recruiter specialized in this field. He/she will put you on some path. Search for Todd Fahey here in QN.
Found Todd Fahey and the Q/A thread. The thread itself is very much informative already. Thanks alain again. :D
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