Best UK undergraduate degree before a UK MFE?

I am a UK secondary school/high school student in my last year, I am thinking of potentially becoming a quant researcher, ideally at a renowned hedge fund, I am planning which maths undergraduate to apply and study and thinking ahead of doing master in financial maths/computational math/financial engineering etc.

Shortlisted down to a few undergraduate in the UK, but theoretically assuming if I get offer from all the these programme, which of these undergraduate is the best to progress toward a MFE?

LSE BSc Financial Matheamtics and Statistics
Oxford Maths and statistics
Cambridge BA Mathematics

I am thinkgin of doing these master degree:

MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance at Oxford
MSc in Financial Mathematics at LSE
MSc Mathematics and Finance at Imperial College

For Oxford admission, they said "Applicants should have a background in probability, statistics, ordinary and partial differential equations, linear algebra and analysis. They must demonstrate their aptitude for, and knowledge of, mathematics, particularly in the area of real analysis, through their application"

At first I thought maybe the LSE BSc Financial Mathematics and Statistics would the best undergraduate for high school student who already knew they wanted to work as a quant, but as only a high school A-level Maths student myself, I am not famimliar with higher level maths topics at universities so I currently lack judgement in which maths degree is the best, especially things like partial differential equation which maybe I have a rouge idea what it is, but I can't find them teaching at the BSc financial matheamtics and statistics, so just wondering perhpa BSc Financial Maths and statistics gives a good application in financial engineering, but do the BSc Financial Mathematics and Statistics provide sufficient Maths foundation to progress toward Master in Financial engineering course in general?

Could someone who have knowledge of financial maths could help me to check out the course structure of LSE financial maths and statistics and answer my question?
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