Best undergraduate degree

All of your options would be fine. You should just do what you enjoy.
As the first poster said,

Do what makes you happy, or you won't last.

Also, I have no doubt that you will use programming languages in some of your classes. I'm sure your required to take some sort of "programming for engineers." If you no for sure that you wont learn any programming, the first year sequence of CS classes should be enough (intro to program, then intro to data structures).

To not confuse you:

Follow through with Engineering Physics and H math minor
Take first 2 cs classes as electives
Take a intro to probability class (most likely will count towards math minor)

You math minor should cover Calc 1-3, Lin Alg, Diff Eqs, Analysis, Probability, PDE's and I am sure some of those are also required for your engineering physics degree. Take a numerical analysis class also if you can
Only reasoning behind the cs courses is there is proof you know something. Self study you have to take a person at there word. You hit the nail on the head though. So many exit opportunities. Me personally, I am a creator. If making other people money on a day to day basis makes you happy then great. I was a finance major, and now completing a masters in applied math and have fell in love with cfd and heat transfer.
What's your plan after your major Sadk?
After I graduate from UIUC, I want to work at an aerospace firm doing fluid and thermal dynamics simulations on the design side. I also plan to take an orbital mechanics class, and I hope I perhaps can work as a trajectory analyst. Very cool stuff IMO not nearly as much money but fulfilling work