Investors looking for Black Swans in the stock market may be able to find them in the latest offering from the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
On Feb. 23, the CBOE plans to roll out the S&P 500 Skew Index, an options gauge that already has earned the monikers of both the Black Swan Index and, a bit more derisively, the SIX.
At its heart, the SKEW (as the CBOE prefers) will measure out-of-the-money S&P 500 options to determine the risk of unanticipated, or Black Swan, events threatening the market. The Black Swan reference, of course, is from the Nassim N. Taleb book of the same name that, in part, delineates the importance of low-probability but catastrophic events in financial markets.
The SKEW will measure the implied volatility between puts and calls and derive a numeric value from the difference between the two.