Books by Baruch MFE faculty

To coincide with the Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance MOOC on Coursera which uses as the reference text the book A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering, Second Edition, by Dan Stefanica, the director of the Baruch MFE Program, FE Press is offering 15-25% discounts on titles authored by Baruch MFE faculty purchased together.

The discounted titles can be found at

Shipping is also discounted, from $5 for media mail in US to $15 for international shipping, regardless of destination and number of books purchased.

Titles on sale:

A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering, Second Edition, by Dan Stefanica, 2011.
A Linear Algebra Primer for Financial Engineering, by Dan Stefanica, 2014.
150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews, by Rados Radoicic, Dan Stefanica, and Tai-Ho Wang, 2013.
Solutions Manual – A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering, Second Edition, by Dan Stefanica, 2011.
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