Business major vs Business minor + CSE minor

Hi. I was wondering if you guys could give me some opinions regarding double majors.
I am currently triple majoring in Mechanical Eng. Economics. and Business.
I am almost done with the courses for Eng and Econ, so those two won't change.
However, I am starting to think that maybe a Computer science minor would actually make me a better candidate for top MFE schools than a Business Major would.
I was thinking degrading my Business major into a minor and also pursuing a CS minor.
Do you think this would be better? I'll organize my options again.

So. I'm a Mechanical engineer and Econ Major. I want to extend my undergrad education by these options. What do you recommend.
1.Business Major + Just study programming by myself & get Quantnet C++ Certificate
2.Business Minor + Computer Science Minor
3.Computer Science Major ( Not really enthusiastic since I will have to take a lot more courses )
4.Something Else?

I am not considering Math minor/major because 80% of my courses for Econ are pretty much math based and I have already taken CalculusI+II, Engineering mathI+II, ODE, several Stat, Real Analysis, Econometrics and Mathematical Finance. I believe this will suffice. Please correct me if I am wrong.
P.S. Is Numerical Analysis a must?

Thanks in advance for your opinions.
You already have econ so no need to get business minor.
CS courses would help your a lot more. Try to take courses, do projects that will get you comfortable with programming, database, stats.
If you successfully complete the C++ certificate, it will provide you with a solid background and open lot of idea on what you want to do next.