C# in Front Office book

Just published http://book.greenwich2greenwich.com/CsInFrontOffice/

So far, I have got very encouraging feedback. And it seems to be relevant to some previous posts in this forum.

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I do use VSTO, but decided to leave it out in this book (but may include in the 2nd edition, if there will be one :->)

The main reason to leave VSTO out is for practical consideration. On the trading floor, it's better to avoid frequently installing applications that will need to force user log-in/out. :-)
LoL. For one reason or another, people avoid VSTO like a plague even they use/need it at some point. I spent sometime working with VSTO on a FO environment and always curious to see if anyone will ever document their however sad vsto experience.
As soon as I get to review the book, I will put it in the master reading list for quants
Well, VSTO is not a plague for sure. Actually in the section 7.9, I was planning to give examples of customizing Outlook and Visual Studio itself using VSTO. It's a close decision to leave details out.

Will definitely consider including VSTO in the 2nd edition, if there is one :-)