Can a 2nd year student take this C++ online course?

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I am new to this forum. I am a bachelor mathematics-economics student and have just finished my first year. I took the cs50x course and want to expand my programming knowledge. So my question is, is it possible for me to take this course even though I have not been introduced to any finance/econometrics? And does it make sense when I haven't done any econometrics yet? My first year consisted only of math courses.

best regards
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Absolutely. I don't regret taking it at all. It's a lot of work, especially the advanced one. If you work hard, you'll become pretty good at it. What I've found hard is to actually memorize all the functionalities we've use in both courses. So if you implement active recall and rigorous note-taking, you'll become quite good!

Hope this helps.
Absolutely. I don't regret taking it at all. It's a lot of work, especially the advanced one. If you work hard, you'll become pretty good at it. What I've found hard is to actually memorize all the functionalities we've use in both courses. So if you implement active recall and rigorous note-taking, you'll become quite good!

Hope this helps.
The best way to learn is to document your code as you write .. then you can recall it any time in the future. This is the way I do it, e.g.

// TestExp5.cpp
// dx/dt = - grad(U(x)) , grad == gradient
// Transform f(x) = 0 to a least-squares problem, U = f*f
// Tip iceberg: minimise a function using an ODE solver for a gradient system.
// compute z = exp(5); f(z) = z - exp(5); argmin f(z)*f(z)
// It's a sledgehammer but the method can be applied to constrained optimisation for ODE systems.
// To be discussed elsewhere. It can be applied in all sorts of places.
// Current ML wisdom uses Gradient Descent (GD) method, which is Euler's method, and much weaker in many
// ways to the approach taken here. It's much more robust and general than GD.
// Exercise:
// 1. generalise to ODE systems.
// 2. generalise to constrained optimisation and penalty method.
// 3. methods to compute gradient in n dimensions.
// 4. Use in an ANN instead of flaky GD.
// "The world is continuous, but the mind is discrete." David Mumford
// Natura non facit saltum (Nature does nothing in jumps)
// My take is that Gradient Descent is a fabrication; ODE gradient system are closer
// to the physical world.
// DJD
// Using ODEs for optimisation.
// Nesterov's method
// For training courses, see
// See also my book on ODE/PDE/FDM in computational finance
// (C) Datasim Education BV 2018-2023

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>

#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>

// Preliminary notation
using value_type = double;
using state_type = std::vector<value_type>;

// Using C++11 functions
template <typename T>
    using FunctionType = std::function<T(const T& arg)>;
using CFunctionType = FunctionType<std::complex<value_type>>;

template <typename T>
    FunctionType<T> operator * (FunctionType<T>& f, FunctionType<T>& g)
{ // Multiplication (higher-order function)

    return [=](T x)
        return  f(x)*g(x);


// Complex Step Method for gradients (others: divided difference, AAD, analytic,..)
value_type CSM(const CFunctionType& f, value_type x, value_type h)

{ // df/dx at x using the Complex step method (Trapp/Squire)

    std::complex<value_type> z(x, h); // x + ih, i = sqrt(-1)
    return std::imag(f(z)) / h;

std::complex<double> ObjFunc(const std::complex<value_type>& z)
{ // My hard-coded specific function

    // compute z = exp(5); f(z) = z - exp(5); argmin f(z)*f(z)
    const std::complex<double> a(std::exp(5.0), 0.0); // => 148.413
    // Original function f(x) = 0 (Newton)
    //CFunctionType f = [&](const std::complex<double>& z) { return z - a; };
    CFunctionType f = [&](const std::complex<double>& z) { return z * z / 2.0 + std::abs(z); };

    CFunctionType f2 = f * f;

    // Least squares function
    return f2(z);

// Free function to model RHS in dy/dt = RHS(t,y)
void Ode(const state_type &x, state_type &dxdt, const value_type t)
    //dxdt[0] = 2.0 * (x[0] - std::exp(5.0)); // Exact derivative
    const double h = 1.0e-156; // Small h but no overflow!
    dxdt[0] = CSM(ObjFunc, x[0], h);

    // Transform semi-infinite time interval (0, infinity) to (0,1)
    // Then we look at asymptotic behaviour..
    double tau = (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t);
    dxdt[0] = -dxdt[0]/tau;

void print(std::string name, std::size_t steps, value_type v)
    std::cout << "Number of steps " << name << std::setprecision(16) << steps << "approximate: " << v << '\n';

int main()
    namespace Bode = boost::numeric::odeint;

    // Initial condition
    value_type L = 0.0;
    value_type T = 0.9998; // HEURISTIC simulates T = infinity
    value_type initialCondition = 1; // Convergence independent of IC? Wow
    value_type dt = 1.0e-5;

        // Cash Karp, middle-of-road
        state_type x{ initialCondition };
        std::size_t steps = Bode::integrate(Ode, x, L, T, dt);
        print("Cash Karp ", steps, x[0]);
        // Bulirsch-Stoer method, high-class solver
        state_type x{ initialCondition};
        Bode::bulirsch_stoer<state_type, value_type> bsStepper;        // O(variable), controlled stepper
        std::size_t steps = Bode::integrate_const(bsStepper, Ode, x, L, T, dt);
        print("Bulirsch-Stoer ", steps, x[0]);


    return 0;
The best way to learn is to document your code as you write .. then you can recall it any time in the future. This is the way I do it, e.g.

// TestExp5.cpp
// dx/dt = - grad(U(x)) , grad == gradient
// Transform f(x) = 0 to a least-squares problem, U = f*f
// Tip iceberg: minimise a function using an ODE solver for a gradient system.
// compute z = exp(5); f(z) = z - exp(5); argmin f(z)*f(z)
// It's a sledgehammer but the method can be applied to constrained optimisation for ODE systems.
// To be discussed elsewhere. It can be applied in all sorts of places.
// Current ML wisdom uses Gradient Descent (GD) method, which is Euler's method, and much weaker in many
// ways to the approach taken here. It's much more robust and general than GD.
// Exercise:
// 1. generalise to ODE systems.
// 2. generalise to constrained optimisation and penalty method.
// 3. methods to compute gradient in n dimensions.
// 4. Use in an ANN instead of flaky GD.
// "The world is continuous, but the mind is discrete." David Mumford
// Natura non facit saltum (Nature does nothing in jumps)
// My take is that Gradient Descent is a fabrication; ODE gradient system are closer
// to the physical world.
// DJD
// Using ODEs for optimisation.
// Nesterov's method
// For training courses, see
// See also my book on ODE/PDE/FDM in computational finance
// (C) Datasim Education BV 2018-2023

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>

#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>

// Preliminary notation
using value_type = double;
using state_type = std::vector<value_type>;

// Using C++11 functions
template <typename T>
    using FunctionType = std::function<T(const T& arg)>;
using CFunctionType = FunctionType<std::complex<value_type>>;

template <typename T>
    FunctionType<T> operator * (FunctionType<T>& f, FunctionType<T>& g)
{ // Multiplication (higher-order function)

    return [=](T x)
        return  f(x)*g(x);


// Complex Step Method for gradients (others: divided difference, AAD, analytic,..)
value_type CSM(const CFunctionType& f, value_type x, value_type h)

{ // df/dx at x using the Complex step method (Trapp/Squire)

    std::complex<value_type> z(x, h); // x + ih, i = sqrt(-1)
    return std::imag(f(z)) / h;

std::complex<double> ObjFunc(const std::complex<value_type>& z)
{ // My hard-coded specific function

    // compute z = exp(5); f(z) = z - exp(5); argmin f(z)*f(z)
    const std::complex<double> a(std::exp(5.0), 0.0); // => 148.413
    // Original function f(x) = 0 (Newton)
    //CFunctionType f = [&](const std::complex<double>& z) { return z - a; };
    CFunctionType f = [&](const std::complex<double>& z) { return z * z / 2.0 + std::abs(z); };

    CFunctionType f2 = f * f;

    // Least squares function
    return f2(z);

// Free function to model RHS in dy/dt = RHS(t,y)
void Ode(const state_type &x, state_type &dxdt, const value_type t)
    //dxdt[0] = 2.0 * (x[0] - std::exp(5.0)); // Exact derivative
    const double h = 1.0e-156; // Small h but no overflow!
    dxdt[0] = CSM(ObjFunc, x[0], h);

    // Transform semi-infinite time interval (0, infinity) to (0,1)
    // Then we look at asymptotic behaviour..
    double tau = (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t);
    dxdt[0] = -dxdt[0]/tau;

void print(std::string name, std::size_t steps, value_type v)
    std::cout << "Number of steps " << name << std::setprecision(16) << steps << "approximate: " << v << '\n';

int main()
    namespace Bode = boost::numeric::odeint;

    // Initial condition
    value_type L = 0.0;
    value_type T = 0.9998; // HEURISTIC simulates T = infinity
    value_type initialCondition = 1; // Convergence independent of IC? Wow
    value_type dt = 1.0e-5;

        // Cash Karp, middle-of-road
        state_type x{ initialCondition };
        std::size_t steps = Bode::integrate(Ode, x, L, T, dt);
        print("Cash Karp ", steps, x[0]);
        // Bulirsch-Stoer method, high-class solver
        state_type x{ initialCondition};
        Bode::bulirsch_stoer<state_type, value_type> bsStepper;        // O(variable), controlled stepper
        std::size_t steps = Bode::integrate_const(bsStepper, Ode, x, L, T, dt);
        print("Bulirsch-Stoer ", steps, x[0]);


    return 0;
Makes sense; looks similar to my notes! Just a lot of content to review if you investigate all functionalities within a specific library!
Makes sense; looks similar to my notes! Just a lot of content to review if you investigate all functionalities within a specific library!
20% gives 80% effectiveness in real-life applications.

In judo there are 100s of throws + combinations. Most judokas only do [1,5] in competitions.