career related questions about the future of trading

Hi all,

I wanted to get a quant's prespective on the future of trading, especially trading desks at I-banks (the few that are left).

1) I heard that traditional sales and trading responsibilities are being replaced by automated electronic trading systems. I even read a thead here about BAC accquiring an automated trading desk. SalesPerson&Traders whose primary job were to provide liquidity to their customer, are their jobs going away in the futre? Will people working at trading desks more focus on developing financial products and on propietory trading rather than market making?

2) From what I read, it seems like working at a hedge fund is a viable exit strategy after working on a trading desk. What do you think? Which S&T experiences/roles would be more valuable if one's end goal is to work at a hedge fund? In your opinion, which trading desk positions are better suited for an eventual career in hedge fund? For example, would experiences at a proprietary trading desk be more beneficial than those at the equity/bond desk.

3) I read that banks like MS offer a more flexible training program in which traders can rotate through various trading desk and get a broader experience vs training program in banks like GS that specifically assign you to a particular desk. Is this correct? Any opinion on the on-the-job training program at certain I-banks? Are some firms better at training traders than others?

Thank you for your input. :D

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