Certificate in Quantitative Finance

Does possessing a Certificate in Quantitative Finance increase your chances of Admission in to the Top Programs ?
My girlfriend was looking at it and it looked pretty interesting. I do not think it would hurt your application per say, but I wouldn't necessarily take time away from things with a better return. If you can destroy your GMAT and have all the necessary pre req's than go for it. If this is going to take away from application prep then I say don't do it.

If you are otherwise weak on the quant side having the cert might ease the adcoms minds a little. Either way, I do not think it will make or break your application.
Does possessing a Certificate in Quantitative Finance increase your chances of Admission in to the Top Programs ?

I would say yes if Dominic gives me a cut. Otherwise, do one (CQF) or the other (MFE)
Sadly Alain, I don't even get a cut of CQF fees myself, just per lecture.

Since I've now declared my interest in the issue, I should say that the CQF is pitched as an alternative to an MFE, and so is orientated around practical skills rather than as prep for any other qualification.

However, what you pitch, and what you get are different things.

One thing that has long struck both Paul Wilmott and myself is the number of CQFers who have done an MFE or finance PhD before they took the CQF.

I have no direct knowledge of a consensus in admissions boards about the CQF. In direct conversation I know some like it, but as a quant headhunter I know that views on qualifications are highly subjective and vary a lot.
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