Chances for securing an MSFE at one of the top 5 schools for a CSE, IIT Delhi undergrad

Hi all,

I am a junior undergrad studying CSE at IIT Delhi. I am planning to apply for MSFE programs next year. So, just wanted to have experts' check on the chances of getting a good school and improving them as I have an year to go. I have an average GPA (8.4) and have taken up courses in Discrete Mathematics, Stochastic Calculus, Introductory Financial Derivatives, Financial Mathematics, Probability and Linear Algebra.

As far as the work experience is concerned, I did an internship with the Analytics team in retail banking sector for an overseas bank in one summer and at a non-finance IT firm in the other. I worked with an algorithmic trading start-up for a very short time.
In the coming one year, I plan to write my Btech Thesis on "machine learning applications in pricing of derivatives".

I want to know what chances do I stand for an MSFE program at one of the top 10 schools. And how can the lack of a quant-internship be made up for on the resume ?

Thanks and best regards
Given your CSE background and also at IITs they do give you sufficient mathematics I think you have a good chance to get a Quant internship. Rest depends on your interview preparation. If possible go for job rather than another degree as it costs money and time.