Choosing programs to apply to (BA Econ, wants to break into hedge funds)


Been looking intensively at this forum for really long but couldn't really get the info I want and deadlines are coming up and I'm panicking

So background context: Final year BA Econs at a top UK uni, did a quant trading internship last year (didn't convert), interning at a macro hedge fund next summer and want to continue in the direction of macro funds / trading macro products

I'm looking to apply to a Masters because 1. I don't have a full-time job lined up (the hedge fund conversion rate is quite low) and 2. My coding is really weak because my course does not teach us to code and 3. while i've taken the math course offered, I don't think my math isn't on par with STEM undergrads

So I had an initial list of programs I wanted to apply to which was curated in summer back when I still didn't really know what I wanted to do
1. Princeton MFin
2. MIT MFin
3. Yale MAM
4. Columbia MFE
6. Oxford MFE
7. A safety Masters in Econ program at my undergrad institution

However, as I was writing my LBS app, I realised that it is very IB-focused which isn't what I want to do and the Oxford MFE sounds similar to the LBS program in terms of career prospects as well. So now, I'm super conflicted if I should apply to them and if I don't, what other programs I should apply to. One big big concern is that my undergrad degree is Economics so it rules out super quantitative programs like Financial Engineering at some top schools because I don't know if I meet their math/coding prerequisites

I'm now looking at more US programs like UChicago or Cornell but just not very certain and I don't feel safe only applying to essentially 4 programs (my safety choice doesnt count and I don't feel like applying to the UK programs anymore because they don't align with my career goals). Also, I feel that it might be quite last-minute and it is the holidays season right now so it would be rather rude to ask my recommenders to send in more letters (especially because my previous supervisor sounded really annoyed when I chased him up on the Princeton deadline)

Thank you!!

additional grade/technical info:
1. grade: 1:1 but i'm taking really tough papers this year so i might have just screwed myself over
2. math: learnt probability measures, dynamic optimisation (hamiltonian), eigenvectors etc
3. coding: i mostly rely on chatgpt but i learnt some python libraries (pandas, matplotlib) over summer and can do basic sql join codes
4. gre: 165V 168Q (i messed up on the quant)
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