COMPARE Columbia financial economics vs financial engineering

guys i have a question, Columbia university has a master of science in financial economics and has another master of financial engineering. i wonder which one of these two has more/better career options and make more money. i am finishing my undergrad this semester and my knowledge of the two is very basic so i wanna know their similarities and differences in terms of work and pay
Thanks a lot andy that link does help a lot but it doesnt really answer my question. Let me restate my question in a better way. There are masters/phds of financial economics in several universities including duke, columbia and others, now the question is, how does the job of these graduates differ from the work of the graduates of financial engineering in an investment bank/company? and how do their pay differ?
Thanks a lot andy that link does help a lot but it doesnt really answer my question. Let me restate my question in a better way. There are masters/phds of financial economics in several universities including duke, columbia and others, now the question is, how does the job of these graduates differ from the work of the graduates of financial engineering in an investment bank/company? and how do their pay differ?

you can find that answer by yourself.
just by judging the content of the degree you should understand what quants can do and what financial economists can't do.
well I honestly cant judge lol cuz i only took basic undergrad classes and I am not very familiar with the titles of the classes of both that much