Columbia MFE Columbia MFE in pictures

The following pictures were taken by Quantnet during our visit to the Columbia MFE program on Feb 28th, 2011. The Financial Engineering workshop organized by the IEOR dept with Peter Carr as guest speaker happened to take place on the evening of our stay there.

We'd like to thank the people of Columbia IEOR dept for giving us access to their faculty, facility and make this possible.
Columbia University campus sure is beautiful.
I took a pic with Prof. Cliff S. Stein, who is the head of the Columbia IEOR dept holding a copy of 3rd edition Introduction to Algorithms. It's a nice surprise for me since I used his book (first edition) in my MS CS study. He showed me many translations of his book.
Prof. Emanuel Derman also showed me his "My life as a Quant" books which has been translated into Chinese/Korean/Japanese/etc
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Columbia University campus sure is beautiful.
I took a pic with Prof. Cliff S. Stein, who is the head of the Columbia IEOR dept holding a copy of 3rd edition Introduction to Algorithms. It's a nice surprise for me since I used his book (first edition) in my MS CS study. He showed me many translations of his book.
Prof. Emanuel Derman also showed me his "My life as a Quant" books which has been translated into Chinese/Korean/Japanese/etc

Yeah I saw the pic of you with Cliff Stein. You look like a fan-boy in it.

Being taught by Derman must be pretty cool. I see some pics of Peter Carr in there too giving some presentation.
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It looks like Emanuel Derman is drafting an email to send to Columbia MFE admits in his office. No?

I beg to differ..I think he is drafting the course material for his Spring 2012 class..;)

On another note, Andy, in one of the pics why has Prof. Soulaymane Kachani highlighted Finance & Economics classes in your discussion with him ?
I am commenting on "Engineering schools" in general. I don't have info on specific ones. All I am saying is that schools have a lot of different people, and the bigger the school/class, the more diversified it is. Now, if you go pick on a 20 students class...!!!
Then, you're in NY, no shortage of anything/anyone.... Probably the most diversified place on earth!!!