COMPARE Columbia MSOR or UChicago MAFM

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Columbia MSOR vs. UChicago MAFM

  • Columbia MSOR

  • UChicago MAFM

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So I got admission from these two and still deciding..
I'm graduating this May from my undergraduate institution and entering masters this coming fall.
No plans for PhD and I'm an international student but have no plans on going back to my home country until I work for at least a few years if I find a job here after masters.
Not much work experience except some internships, but these were finance related yet not so quantitative roles. That means, no hands on experience in quantitative finance.

1. One thing I like about the Columbia MSOR program is that it's very flexible. I'm going for masters directly out of undergrad so I think the flexibility of the curriculum will be a big plus for me. My concern about the program is that it looks like MSOR is less valued than other programs in NYC like Baruch MFE, Columbia MFE, Cornell MFE, Columbia MAFN, and NYU Mathfin in the job market. It seems that the MSOR program is pretty proud of the job placement from what's on their website but I'm concerned if the students in MSOR actually land in good positions in the market while competing against students from all these other programs in NYC.

2. On the other hand, the MAFM program at UChicago seems more leaned towards core curriculum, which I think could be good if I like it or bad if I end up not liking it. Not having so much work experience, I'm honestly not sure if I will like the curriculum more leaned towards core courses, since I feel that my interest could always change (that's why I think the flexibility of the MSOR program is good for me). My concern with this program also lies in the location. Chicago has the second largest financial district in the country and probably has many job opportunities out there too, but still New York has a larger job market. Also, my undergrad institution was in upstate New York so I have many alums working in the city. So I guess I'll have more network in the New York when I look for jobs.

3. Is the UChicago MAFM program valued more in the job market than the Columbia MSOR program? Also, how are their career services? My ultimate goal is in getting a job anyways, so whichever one that puts me in a better position in the job market would be the better one for me.

Thanks all in advance!!