Commodities Boot Camp @ Baruch: November 16

I'll be posting more details soon, but I wanted to get some brief introductory information out there.

On November 16th, I'll be hosting a Commodities Boot Camp at Baruch. While the focus will be primarily on energy, I also hope to talk about metals and ags as well. The class will start with the basics of production, transportation and storage, and also cover trading strategies and associated quantitative methods.
Anyone. I'll get cost info out to people next week. I'll be covering the basics of crude oil (chemistry, extraction, transportation, refining) nat gas and power. I'll also spend time on the key analytical concepts involved, including the measurement of seasonality, mean reversion, and storage. Time permitting, I'll touch upon metals and ags.

NB: I am doing this without pay, and will donate what would be my portion of the proceeds to my favorite non-profit, the New Jersey Scholars Program.
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