Continue as Software Engineer or apply for MFE?

I've been out of college for 1 year at Amazon as a software development engineer in Seattle. While the pay is great and stress is low (95k base + 45k bonus + 30k stock per year), I don't really like working at a software company (I don't really relate to anyone), don't see myself continuing my path as a software engineer at tech companies (what do I do? become a manager? you don't do anything interesting. keep being a software engineer? eventually you get phased out by younger kids). I don't really like building applications all day (anyone can do my job honestly) and I am very interested in finance and would like to apply for an MFE. However, I realize that this means up giving up a lot of money upfront (I make 170k total comp first year out of college in a low cost of living city compared to NYC) and taking on a lot more stress in my first finance job. Do you guys think this is worth it? I live a perfectly happy life making more money than i'll ever need already and don't ever spend more than 60 hr/wk at work (avg 45-50). I also have no desire to move to NYC and would like to stay in the west coast (seattle, portland, san francisco, los angeles).
I'm very interested in the markets and trading and believe I have good strategies and ideas and hopefully be able to trade on large $ of money
If you want West Coast and finance, look at the Berkeley MFE program. The director, Linda, is very helpful to potential applicants, contact her directly to ask her about this.
Do you think that MFE is right for someone that wants to get into HFT/algo trading?

It depends WHICH program? There are a number of programs that have this subject as part of the curriculum. Some even place a good number of grads into these positions. Do a lot of research in this regard.
It depends WHICH program? There are a number of programs that have this subject as part of the curriculum. Some even place a good number of grads into these positions. Do a lot of research in this regard.

Thanks. Are there West coast HFT shops? I know most are in Chicago. I know I have the skills and work ethic, but it's really hard to break into the field if you don't have a ms/PhD or didn't go to a name brand school (I have a BS in computer science from Georgia tech)
What is it about HFT that you like?

Most younger individuals who aren't in finance tend to lump HFT, algo, hedge funds, prop trading,etc. into the same bucket. They are different, but they do interact with one another.

Hopefully we can direct you a little better...what exactly in finance do you want to do?