Deutsche Bank Spins Off Quant Fund Managers

Deutsche Bank AG has spun off the quantitative strategies group from DB Advisors, its institutional asset-management operations, via a management buyout, the newly established company said.

Details of the deal weren't disclosed.

QS Investors, LLC, with $11 billion in assets under management, will continue services it currently provides ...

Janet Campagna, formerly Deutsche Asset Management's global head of quantitative strategies, was named QS Investors' chief executive. All 40 employees from the previous team will be transferred to QS Investors...

Deutsche Bank Spins Off Quant Fund Managers -
I worked under that DB Advisors group until end of 2008. They have many small groups, prop desks under them that it's hard to know who works where.
Like Goldman Sachs, now DB, we will see more of these prop operation spin-off in the age of Voclker rule.
Any idea how all these spin-offs gonna affect quant positions?
Will they require more new hires since they are "new" and need fresh blood?
Or will they actually hire fewer people because (I guess) they have scaled down?