Did QuantNet suffered a data breach?

Hi all,

I received spam on the email address I registered on quantnet.com. Because I created the email address especially for the quantnet.com registration and I solely used this email address for the registration here I think that quantnet.com is victim to a data breach.

Here is the content of the spam mail, maybe others received an email with the same content?!

Subject: Nice to meet you! 🌸

Hello! I’m Irina. I found your profile on a dating site and decided to write because you seem like such an interesting person 📬💌 I’m attaching a photo so you can have a better idea of who I am.
I’m looking for a serious relationship, but I also believe it’s important to take the time to connect and have good conversations 🌼😊 I hope to hear from you soon!
With affection,
Irina 🍀
Sounds like a gentle, caring woman. I’d definitely not leave her hanging. She seems interesting. 🤣

But new email addresses on Google are known to attract “spam” messages. I myself received spam quite a lot on my alt email, which I had only used for a game.
Sounds like a gentle, caring woman. I’d definitely not leave her hanging. She seems interesting. 🤣

But new email addresses on Google are known to attract “spam” messages. I myself received spam quite a lot on my alt email, which I had only used for a game.
Scary either way!
Ask Irina if she plans to take QN C++ course.
you know I was gonna say...maybe give her a chance if she knows C++ or knows a few of them gang of four design patterns 🤣👌🏻🫶🏻👹
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