Difference between Hull's solutions manual?

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I am working on Hull's chapters from FRM's website and I want to buy the buy solutions manual, but there several editions.

The cover of book on FRM's website looks like the last version but it says 2006 edition.

Does anyone know which edition FRM is using ? Also is there much difference between different editions of Hull's solutions manual?
I am working on Hull's chapters from FRM's website and I want to buy the buy solutions manual, but there several editions.

The cover of book on FRM's website looks like the last version but it says 2006 edition.

Does anyone know which edition FRM is using ? Also is there much difference between different editions of Hull's solutions manual?

I know there are critical differences between the US and international 7th editions. The post-chapter questions are similar however, not only are my problems denoted in Rupees (!) but different exchange rates are used in the problems (arb opportunities, perhaps?) - I'm not sure about differences between the 7th and 6th but something to keep an eye out for.
Actually the differences between US and international editions are that the sequence of end-of-chapter questions are changed. Some of them don't appear at all. But as a whole, you won't find big differences because every subsequent books are based on the previous ones so just a little modification is in place.
Actually the differences between US and international editions are that the sequence of end-of-chapter questions are changed. Some of them don't appear at all. But as a whole, you won't find big differences because every subsequent books are based on the previous ones so just a little modification is in place.

This is not the case.

In addition to a difference in sequence, there is also omission and replacement of of end-of-chapter questions. Further, differences in the numerical values of variables (which are not intuitive to determine from the solutions manual alone) lead to slight or substantial variations in the solutions obtained.

Further, my International 7th Edition of Options, Futures and Derivatives is co-written by Sankarshan Basu and contains additional sections in each chapter pertaining to the Indian Markets.

For example: In Chapter 4 on Interest Rates, after discussing LIBOR, there are sections related to MIBOR (Mumbai Interbank offered Rate), MIFOR (Mumbai Interbank Forward Offer Rate) and reference to CBLO and CCIL (the Clearing Corporation of India Limited).

I learned this the hard way when I had to submit solutions to Hull problems as part of my homework.

If @cinoglan is preparing for the FRM exam I would urge them to pick up the appropriate solutions manual. It will save hours of frustration.
Well, there is no any unique difference between every subsequent edition to say that only numerical orders have been changed or some omission is in the next edition. Some has omitted the end of chapter exercises, some have replace and many do both. For example I have both Investment essentials by Bodie, Kane, Marcus. If you look at the Investments 7th ed, there almost is no any difference. Or even better example, compare Investment 7th and 8th editions. There is no any difference between the inside chapter materials (even examples and explanations are written in the same words) and also between end of chapter questions. Two books are just the same only cover has been changed and one more chapter added that counts for nothing because that chapter material is covered in the 7th ed, they just enlarged artificially. So the solutions manual are exactly the same. You can hardly find any difference.
Thank you both. I will buy the last US edition and share my experience later here.
Hi senoz, if you have manual in in pdf or ebook. then please share with me. I am also searching to find a book for free. thanks!!
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