Double barrier, ctd...

This is continued from this thread.

A common quant interview question: Let (\tau_a = \min\{t:W(t)=a\}) be the first hitting time of Brownian motion (W(t)) at the level (a). Find (P[\tau_a < T]), in other words probability that BM hits the barrier (a) in time (T).

A more challenging question is what the probability is of hitting two barriers in time T. For the symmetrical case:

Let (a > 0) and (T > 0) be given. What is (P[\tau_a<T\text{ and }\tau_{-a}<T])?

Hint: I know the answer as an infinite series. I think there is no "closed form" solution.
1) there is closed form solution for first problem.
2) how process can hit a and -a at the same time? or you mean something different? in symmetric case probability that process hit A before -A is exactly 0.5, because of symmetry and reflection principle.
1) there is closed form solution for first problem.
2) how process can hit a and -a at the same time? or you mean something different? in symmetric case probability that process hit A before -A is exactly 0.5, because of symmetry and reflection principle.
It hits both barries before reaching time T, not at the same time.
This is continued from this thread.

A common quant interview question: Let (\tau_a = \min\{t:W(t)=a\}) be the first hitting time of Brownian motion (W(t)) at the level (a). Find (P[\tau_a < T]), in other words probability that BM hits the barrier (a) in time (T).

A more challenging question is what the probability is of hitting two barriers in time T. For the symmetrical case:

Let (a > 0) and (T > 0) be given. What is (P[\tau_a<T\text{ and }\tau_{-a}<T])?

Hint: I know the answer as an infinite series. I think there is no "closed form" solution.

You have to find the Green's function for the heat eqn satisfying the Dirichlet condition. This will be the transition density function. You get it by infinite mirroring of the paths in prob lingo ( that is, mirroring the Dirac delta to the barriers such that the resulting mirrored set is zero on both barriers in PDE lingo ).

There is no closed form solution, indeed.
You have to find the Green's function for the heat eqn satisfying the Dirichlet condition. This will be the transition density function. You get it by infinite mirroring of the paths in prob lingo ( that is, mirroring the Dirac delta to the barriers such that the resulting mirrored set is zero on both barriers in PDE lingo ).

There is no closed form solution, indeed.

You can do it that way, using PDEs.

But, at least for standard Brownian motion, this can be done with just basic probability theory + the reflection principle.

I agree that there is probably nothing like a closed form solution, but you can't know that for a fact without formalizing what is meant by "closed form" and providing a mathematical proof.
This is continued from this thread.

A common quant interview question: Let (\tau_a = \min\{t:W(t)=a\}) be the first hitting time of Brownian motion (W(t)) at the level (a). Find (P[\tau_a < T]), in other words probability that BM hits the barrier (a) in time (T).

Here is a solution in case anyone is interested. If you have a better one, please share...

Let (B) be Brownian motion and (B_a) be its reflection at (a): (B_a=B) if (a) has not yet been hit and (B_a=2a-B) after (a) has been hit, which is also Brownian motion by the reflection principle.

The two main observation are:
(1) These 2 events are the same
(2) This can be continued ad infinitum with reflections at (\pm3a, \pm5a, \pm7a), ...
The next step is: (\{B_a\text{ hits }3a\text{ before time }T\}\land\{B_{-a}\text{ hits }-3a\text{ before time }T\}=)
(\{(B_a)_{3a}\text{ hits }5a\text{ before time }T\}\lor\{(B_{-a})_{-3a}\text{ hits }-5a\text{ before time }T\}),
where for example, ((B_a)_{3a}) is BM reflected at (a) and then reflected again at (3a).

The first observation is almost immediate, while the second one is less obvious.

For a formal solution, define stochastic processes recursively:
(U_0=B) and (U_{k+1}=(U_{k})_{(2k+1)a}),
(D_0=B) and (D_{k+1}=(D_{k})_{-(2k+1)a}).
For example, (U_1) is (B) reflected at (a), (D_{1}) is (B) reflected at (-a), (U_2) is (U_1) reflected at (3a), etc ...
These are all Brownian motions by the reflection principle.

Let (E_{k}:=E_k(T)) be the event that (U_{k}) hits ((2k+1)a) before time (T), and
let (F_{k}:=F_k(T)) be the event that (D_{k}) hits (-(2k+1)a) before time (T).

The above observations can now be expressed as:

Claim 1. (E_k\land F_k=E_{k+1}\lor F_{k+1}).

From the usual application of the reflection principle we have:

Claim 2. (P[E_k]=P[F_k]=2N\bl(-(2k+1)a\br)).

The answer follows from claims 1 and 2. The event that BM hits both barriers is (E_0\land F_0), and the probability is:
(P[E_0\land F_0]=P[E_1\lor F_1]
=P[E_1]+P[F_1]-P[E_1\land F_1]=P[E_1]+P[F_1]-P[E_2\lor F_2]
=P[E_1]+P[F_1]-P[E_2]-P[ F_2] +P[E_2\land F_2]
=\cdots=4\sum_{k=1}^\infty (-1)^{k+1}N\bl(-(2k+1)a\))
(=4\bl[N(-3a)-N(-5a)+N(-7a)-\cdots] ).

To complete the solution:

Proof of claim 1. Notice that for all (t\le T),
(*) (E_k(t)\land F_k(t)\to U_{k+1}(t)-D_{k+1}(t)=4(k+1)a).
This is a simple induction using the definition of reflection. For example, for the base case (k=0), after both (a) and (-a) have been hit, (U_1(t)-D_1(t)=[2a-B(t)]-[-2a-B(t)]=4a).

(E_k\land F_k\to E_{k+1}\lor F_{k+1}) is now easy to see.
E.g. if (U_k) hits ((2k+1)a) before (D_k) hits the opposite barrier,
then when (D_k(t)=-(2k+1)a), (D_{k+1}(t)=D_k(t)) and
(*) gives (U_{k+1}(t)=4(k+1)a-(2k+1)a=\bl[2(k+1)+1\br]a)
which means that the event (E_{k+1}) has occurred.

The other direction (E_{k+1}\lor F_{k+1}\to E_k\land F_k) follows by induction on (k).
The base case (k=0) is clear.
For (k\ge1) suppose for example that (E_{k+1}) has occurred, with (U_{k+1}(t)=(2k+3)a).
Then so has (E_k(t)), and then by the induction hypothesis, (D_{k-1}(t)\land E_{k-1}(t)) has occurred.
Applying (*) we get
which mean that (D_k(t)) has occurred. This shows that (E_{k+1}\to E_k\land F_k),
and we reach the conclusion by symmetry.
Good luck with your job hunt then.
I will finish the drifted Brownian motion hitting one barrier post.
Hey guys, shouldn't we use the First Passage Time Distribution on page 112-114 in Shreve's Stochastic Calculus for Finance? I think there is a direct result there
Some latex formatting. I will clean it up in a bit

I'm not sure if you mean there was a problem with rendering latex? It was formatted correctly at the time it was posted.

It looks a bit "cleaned up" from earlier today, but some bits of the solution have gone missing so I will repost it ...
I'm not sure if you mean there was a problem with rendering latex? It was formatted correctly at the time it was posted.

It looks a bit "cleaned up" from earlier today, but some bits of the solution have gone missing so I will repost it ...
We modified the latex rendering engine a bit so some of code you posted before is not properly rendered such as things you use \br \lr. I'm not sure it's standard standalone latex.
Revert back to the old latex now so you can modify the old post or repost. Thanks for your help.