East Asians as the "new Jews" at elite US universities

Haven't read the article, BBW, but I will get to it. Thanks for sharing.

It's been a reality for Asian-Americans for all of my adult life if not longer. I'm glad it's getting some press, sadly though it is only conservatives who seem to think this is 'not okay'.

There's an old King of the Hill episode that captured the angst of Asian parents pretty well. It's called 'A Redneck on Rainey Street'.
There is a long list of similarities between Jews and Hindus in the way they approach education and scientific research. I made several papers on simularities between Indian/Isrealis and Jews/Hindus on business and scienctific research.
There is a long list of similarities between Jews and Hindus in the way they approach education and scientific research. I made several papers on simularities between Indian/Isrealis and Jews/Hindus on business and scienctific research.

Are these articles in the public domain? Are there also differences?
There is a long list of similarities between Jews and Hindus in the way they approach education and scientific research. I made several papers on simularities between Indian/Isrealis and Jews/Hindus on business and scienctific research.

would u mind to share with us
Riveting essay at The American Conservative.

"The Myth of American Meritocracy" is interesting on many levels. It describes corruption in academic admissions, and its cover up, in a very convincing and accessible manner.

Based on my first-hand experiences in pure mathematics, it only gets worse as one climbs the academic ladder to professorship:
Corruption, academic cheating and other ethical violations are rampant, and far worse things than that go on; not to mention that meritocracy is one of the main lies that they sell.

This is no secret to many from academia, whom I know would agree. Yet most people have no idea about what goes on, thanks to the media's silence on this aspect of academia.
From what I've seen the academic system in most countries is designed to reinforce class privileges and class divisions, not break them down via merit. Some outstanding students from the lower classes get admitted but the elite schools remain bastions of ruling-class privilege. A Kerry or GWB didn't get admitted to Yale on merit. So corruption and connections matter lie anything -- as they do in the real world.

An English writer -- C. Northcote Parkinson -- wrote an instructive book about fifty years ago, addressed to the lower-class yob who wants to move upwards into a world governed by connections and privilege and which is intent on keeping him down. The book's title is In-laws and Outlaws; the lower-class yob wants to become an in-law (to someone like "Viscount Hardcurrency") otherwise he will assuredly remain an outlaw beyond the pale of respectable society.
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