Engineering to Finance ... Need advice please

I have been working as an engineer for 1.5 years. I have a BS mechanical engineering. As part of my engineering job I perform airline specific cost, profit analysis and I really like those type of things than my engineering tasks. I think that a career in finance would better suit me. Also afer talking to long time veterans at my company their suggestions were to leave engineering and either go get a MBA or MSF. These are the questions that I have ---

1) How do I get a job in Finance??
2) Is MSF worth it? I'm looking at Boston College, Bentley, Brandeis MSF programs and planning to find a job in Corporate Finance after graduation.
3) Are there jobs in finance?
4) Is there significant advantage of an MBA compared to MSF? I like how MSF is more of a quantitative track than MBA. Also cheaper.

My ideal finance career would be something on the side of corporate finance like financial forecasting, mergers and acquisitions and the like. I have basic programming knowledge. I have used mainly Matlab.

In summation, I need advice on the following:
Do I definitely need to get an MBA to be able to switch from engineering to finance or I can use MSF?
Are there jobs in Corporate Finance? I don't want to do IB, strictly in the Corporate Finance side.

I'm sorry if my post seems to be rambled and jumbled thoughts. I truly need some direction, and these decisions are not easy for me to make. I am trying to make the best decision and am hoping to get some good responses.

Thank you for your time.
It really doesn't sound like you have a strong motivation to go into finance. I'd suggest talking to people who actually work in finance, rather than your engineering colleagues, to find out if it's suitable for you and where you could hope to end up.
Why do you think I don't have the motivation to do finance? I'm just trying to be cautious and trying to find out if I'll be able to get a job after graduation. If I didn't have the motivation I wouldn't have quit my good paying engineering job and try to get into finance.