Expected value of the stock price BS model

I understand where this BS equation comes from:
dSt = µSt dt + σSt dW
This reflects the change of the stock price. I want to find the expected value of the stock price and variance of the stock price when t=1/4. However, I am not sure how to do it. Should I just take the integral of the both sides and take the expected values? I saw some replicating methods but I did not understand anything.
pretty much but you need to solve the sde first before integration. Also does the question ask for expected value under p measure or pricing measure? If it’s later, you need girsanov
pretty much but you need to solve the sde first before integration. Also does the question ask for expected value under p measure or pricing measure? If it’s later, you need girsanov
It asks under p measure. dSt = 0.06*Stdt + 0.4St*dWt This is my equation. S0=100
and the interest rate of continuous compounding is r = 0.05. It asks me to find the expected value and the variance of the stock price after 3 months from t=0 so basically at t=1/4.
Is solution of the SDE equals to s0*e^(drift*t)+standard deviation*Wt ?
What should I do afterwards? Or could you solve for me because I have really problems.
Which book?

Have you tried Wikipedia?
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance bok. I tried I explored all the websites to find a similar question but I only found problems regarding how to price call option using black scholes. However, my question is about expected value of a stock not about the price of the call option.
The moment generating function of a normal random variable is what? This is all you need to know once you have the closed form solution for S_t. Finding this closed form is a standard application of Itô’s Lemma.
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Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance bok. I tried I explored all the websites to find a similar question but I only found problems regarding how to price call option using black scholes. However, my question is about expected value of a stock not about the price of the call option.
well. if you know how to price call under black sholes, you know the forward price is Se^rT. that is due to the change of meausre with the bank numeraire where drift is r instead of \mu.

by simply using the same analogy, then u should know under physical measure it is Se^\mu T.

probably study these whole thing again. if u apply for a pricing quant job you would definitely fail the interview