Facial Hair and Interviewing: Can the two go together?

There is a long standing debate whether facial hair is a taboo or whether it's OK to have it. If a person has a beard,

Facial Hair Etiquette During Job Interviews

by David Montoya, Demand Media

Always neatly groom your facial hair before interviews.
Job interviews are all about first impressions. Few things can derail your chances more than improper appearance. This includes having the right facial hair. Determining how to grow your facial hair, if you decide to have facial hair at all, can either improve your overall look or detract attention from your qualifications.

Proper Grooming
Regardless of styling, always ensure you properly groom your facial hair. Shave areas of your face without facial hair to remove stubble and closely trim around the edges for a clean outlines. Also comb your facial hair before a job interview to keep all hairs uniformly pointing in the same direction. Wash your facial hair to clean any food or other debris from your face.
Match Your Ensemble

Make sure the styling of your facial hair enhances your overall ensemble. For example, grow a more traditional style if you will wear conservative clothing such as a suit and tie. If your interview does not require a suit and the general culture of the industry permits facial hair, you may have more leeway for creative facial hair styles outside the traditional mustache and beard.
Review Industry Standards

Review the industry you want to enter to determine the overall rule of thumb on facial hair. Some industries allow for more personal expression than others. For example, the art field may allow more room to grow facial hair and maintain different styles of it compared with corporate jobs. The reason for this includes culture, aesthetic expectations and the clientele you will work with.
Explore Company Culture

Look more closely at the culture of the specific company you have the interview with. Although industry standards may point one way, the company may have different standards. Find the company's website to find pictures of employees, speak directly with employees, speak with friends with personal knowledge about the company's facial hair policy or visit the job site before the interview.
When in Doubt, Shave

If you still have doubts about whether the company allows facial hair, err on the safe side and shave off your facial hair before the interview. You can always grow it back later if you determine the company culture allows facial hair. Producing good work after being hired may also grant you more freedom to grow facial hair in the future.