Financial Open Source projects for beginners

Hello QuantNet!

I just finished the QuantNet C++ course, and I would like to get my hands dirty. I could, of course, get one of the many 'Financial modelling with or without C++' books and start implementing everything I see, but perhaps a better idea would be to contribute to an open source project. I think (and feel free to burst my bubble) that working on an open source project would be something to put on my CV, while independent development at home - would not (though could be mentioned during an interview).

I looked at CodePlex to see if there are any financial projects that need help, but couldn't find any C++ projects. I tried QuantLib as well, but doesn't seem like there's much going on there (, especially for a beginner. I also checked GitHub and wxWidgets, but those are not financial projects (and it is also difficult to find bugs-for-beginners there). Of course, pure C++ projects are as interesting as 'quant' projects, so I could also work on those. I work full time auditing quants, so in theory I could do pure quant projects on the job but we don't get a lot of 'development time'...:cry:

Could any one suggest a good place to start? Please share your experience with open source projects, or getting non-work hands-on experience in C++/quant programming.
First of all, congratulations on achieving the QN C++ certificate!

In general, it is important to keep C++ level on par as it is easy to forget if you leave it for a few months.

I am not sure what is best approach in the current context. IMHO more on Boost with computational finance might be a good idea.

For my own part, I have many open issues in applying the ADE method to calibrate and pricing.

Please see my FD2 and MC1 projects here (they are hibernating but maybe they can be picked up)

// Maybe time series, GARCH modelling and real-time data feeds?
In general, it is important to keep C++ level on par as it is easy to forget if you leave it for a few months.
I agree, therefore I'm trying to find a good project to spend my evening and weekends on. :geek: ADE sounds interesting, and just last week I read this article:

An alternating—direction implicit scheme for parabolic equations - Craig, Sneyd, 1988

After level 9 of the course I'm curious about the stability issues with the FDM, so both ADE and ADI seem like a reasonable next step.

As for FD2 and MC1 projects at Wilmott: I don't see any issues assigned to them, but I would be very interested in working on them. My user at QFCL Wilmott is WojtekW.
There are a lot of interesting open source projects out there. It seems that there were many trading-related projects being worked on prior to 2008, then many were promptly abandoned.

I downloaded the TA_lib source (which is really C, not C++) and was trying to use some of TA_lib's candlestick features and was pretty sure I was doing it right but for some reason TA_lib refused to catch any patterns. But in the process I revived some old C programming skills and relearned how to use the GNU debugger (I use Linux). Overall it was a positive experience because I was reminded how fast C was (Normally I write perl and JavaScript) and I was also impressed how fast C compiled on modern machines--explain to me why I am writing scripts again? :).

So you might consider forking some simpler but abandoned project an run with it alone or maybe something similar.
I downloaded the TA_lib source (which is really C, not C++) and was trying to use some of TA_lib's candlestick features and was pretty sure I was doing it right but for some reason TA_lib refused to catch any patterns.

Maybe that tells you something about Technical Analysis.
I am surprised nobody mentioned Quantlib - yield curve, derivatives pricing models, various solvers...
Another is OpenGamma (
Data source? It's never "Open Source". Yahoo, Bloomberg, Morningstar everyone publishes *Some* data freely on the internet but data feed is never free. You can either code your own web scrapping tool, or buy a commercial tool such as -
You might want to check out this list Application Scenario Internet Download.pdf
Good evening,

I am a UC Berkeley MFE with not much experience. I am looking to work on some open source projects close to trading or in research domain. Any suggestions? Also is someone looking for help with any ongoing project?