Finish off school VS GS IBD intern

I am in quite a dilemma here. Hoping you guys can share your thoughts.

So here's the situation.
I am currently in school doing a triple major in Mech. eng/ Econ/ Math

My original plan was to finish off school throughout this year and graduate this winter.
I am planning to apply for the 2014 MFE programs.

However, I received an email today notifying me that I have been selected as a candidate for the
Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific Seoul IBD Off cycle internship.
This is great news for me, but the internship will be from August to November, making it impossible for me to attend my final semester of school. If I take the internship, I will have to be on leave for the fall semester and finish school next spring, graduating 2014 July.

This is not a big problem since I will still be able to go to US before MFE programs start(Assuming I am accepted), but my main concern is the relevant classes I will not be able to take if I take the intern position.

Here is a short version of my profile.

** GRE
V 164 / Q 168 / AWA 4.5

** Math Courses Taken ( Not all but Mostly A's )
Calc I & II
Eng. Mathematics I & II
Lin. Algebra
Differential Equations
Numerical Lin. Algebra
Analysis I
Abstract Algebra I
Intro to Scientific Calculation

** Computer skills
2 Programming courses
Quantnet C++ Certificate with Distinction
UCB pre MFE C++ Certificate

** Candidate for Summa Cum Laude
** Will be taking CFA lv 1 this Dec.
** 3 years NON-relevant work experience

Here are some classes I was planning on taking this fall (but will not be able to if I take the position)
** They are not offered in the spring semester
Numerical Analysis
Advanced Numerical Analysis (Grad level course)
Advanced Lin. Optimization (Grad level course)
Parallel Computation (Grad level course)

So basically I need to decide if I should stay in school and take higher level math/computer classes,
or take the internship position and boost relevant work experience and maybe get a recommendation letter from someone in the industry.

Your opinion will be greatly appreciated.
I need to let GS know if I am not interested in the position ASAP, so I come to you wise men in seek of wisdom.

Thanks for reading the long post.
** 3 years NON-relevant work experience
Take the internship, it's goldman sachs for pete's sake.
Seriously though Andy Nguyen noted that the top mfe programs prefer candidates with work experience.
Also looking at your math courses I don't see what you're missing.
ib and mfe are not related, really...if that's something that matters. but work experience does help.
Do the internship. After all, courses that you take in fall semester will not appear on the transcript by the time of making application. You can list in the CV the courses that you are currently taking, however this will only marginally help you compared to GS internship.