For Many Big Banks, Investing in India Is No Longer Optional

MUMBAI, India, April 12 — India's financial capital has been invaded by Wall Street.
From Nariman Point, the traditional banking district on the southern end of the island city, to Bandra Kurla Complex, the mammoth new business center just beyond the airport and the northern slums, Mumbai is under siege. Foreign investment banks and brokerage firms are jostling for office space and bidding for employees.
"The mood is very bullish," said K. Balakrishnan, a managing director and India chief executive at Lazard.

With economic growth running at an annual pace of more than 8 percent, the attraction of investing in India is obvious.
Yet the long-term prospects for deal making are more murky. India's notoriously volatile equity markets could turn down sharply, crushing consumer and corporate confidence, damping Indian companies' appetite for overseas acquisitions and domestic investors' hunger for investment products. And the slow changes to the country's layers of regulations may stall.
Some clouds have already formed: Vodafone's recently announced acquisition of the Indian mobile company Hutchison Essar has come under intense regulatory scrutiny.
For the moment, however, Indian deal-making is robust. There were $39 billion in announced deals in India during the first quarter of 2007, said the accounting firm Grant Thornton, thanks mainly to the overseas ambitions of Indian companies.

Bankers here say they expect dozens more cross-border deals in 2007 as India's pharmaceutical companies expand or put themselves up for sale, its conglomerates become more focused and its technology companies grow.
India's new wealthy class is just as enticing to Wall Street. The country's designation as Asia's biggest home of billionaires, and one of the world's fastest breeders of millionaires, is attracting private banks and fund managers. Since last year, Indians have been allowed to invest as much as $50,000 a year in foreign stocks. And the domestic fund business has been booming.
"We're building a full-service Goldman Sachs presence here," said L. Brooks Entwistle, Goldman Sachs's chief executive in India, in an interview at the Belvedere, a private club in Mumbai that is a regular banker haunt. Mr. Entwistle moved to Mumbai from New York in February 2006 to expand the business, and Goldman has 75 bankers on the ground now, in addition to thousands of back-office personnel.

Investment banks are no longer weighing putting money into expanding in India against the resources they are devoting to China, top executives say.
"Now every bank says that you have to do both," said Vedika Bhandarkar, managing director and head of investment banking at JPMorgan India. JPMorgan has about 275 bankers in India and is adding to that number, in addition to thousands of back-office employees.
Morgan Stanley said it would develop a full investment banking operation in India; Credit SuisseMerrill Lynch plans to double its private banking business; and Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs have bolstered previously announced expansion plans with a series of high-profile hires.

The banks that have long been in India, like Citigroup, HSBC and ABN Amro, are adding bankers and money managers.
will reopen its India brokerage business;
Still, India's investment banking fees have been tiny so far. Investment banks earned just over $400 million last year on India mergers, according to Dealogic. In comparison, banks earned twice that in deal fees just from the private equity firm K.K.R. in 2006.

To make things more difficult, the rush of new players is driving salaries in India to levels of New York and Hong Kong. An analyst with just a few years of experience may command over $100,000 a year, managers say, and poaching among banks is fierce. Finding new fund managers is particularly difficult.
"Everyone here gets a call a week" from a global investment bank offering a job, said Manish Gunwani, a vice president with Brics Securities, a four-year-old brokerage firm based in Mumbai. Brics is planning to expand into investment banking, possibly through a deal with a small foreign bank.
Brics is recruiting M.B.A.'s from outside the financial services industry, including conglomerates like Hindustan Lever and the pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Mr. Gunwani said.
"Global major investment banks can't afford not to own an India piece," Mr. Gunwani said, but "at this valuation, India is not uncharted territory."

This is not the first time that Wall Street has come to India. In the mid-1990s, there was a "lemming-like" deluge of foreign bank investment in India that "ended in tears," said Dominic Price, JPMorgan's managing director and senior country officer for India and Sri Lanka, a fifth-generation British expatriate in India.

Several banks beat a hasty retreat from India, shutting offices and pulling management back to Hong Kong or elsewhere in Asia after business slowed and regulatory changes increased capital requirements. Many who did not pull out entirely were content to let their businesses in India remain unchanged until the last year and a half, when they began ramping up again.
There is still a "lot of hard work to be done" on fixing infrastructure, regulation and reducing corruption, Mr. Price said. "The easy money has been made — and it wasn't as easy as people thought."

But India's opportunities make it impossible for foreign banks to resist ramping up.
"The sheer demographics of the market just propel you to think of the future," said Romesh Sobti, ABN Amro's country head in India. One-quarter of the world's youth live in India, and half the country's population is below age 25, he said. Still, equity deals are "very hotly contested and margins are very, very thin," Mr. Sobti of ABN said. "There are no free lunches here."

Right now, Wall Street managers in India say they are content to build their businesses.
In a Nariman Point building with a base of open arches of white and gray stone, JPMorgan's India executives are crammed into one side of a high floor, while new space is cleared on the floor above. Just across the elevator bank, Merrill Lynch is moving in. Credit Suisse and Barclays have set up shop in an unfinished building in Worli, a neighborhood in the middle of the city, and bankers head to their offices over the whine of saws and through clouds of dust.
"Fees are coming, but now the real way to make money is advise, finance and invest," Mr. Entwistle of Goldman Sachs said. India's large number of relatively small but fast-growing, internationally ambitious companies require "life-cycle banking," he said.

Life-cycle banking requires bankers to provide these companies with advice and capital, sometimes taking equity stakes along the way, in the hopes of reaping large fees and profits when the more mature companies go public or do big-ticket deals down the road.
The relative boom in India deals in late 2006 and early 2007 was a result of a few big-ticket transactions, including Tata Steel's acquisition of the Corus Group. Still, bankers say they are confident that the deal flow will continue this year.

For one, there are 120 companies in India with a market capitalization of more than $1 billion, noted Raj Balakrishnan, director of investment banking and mergers and acquisitions at DSP Merrill Lynch. In December 2005, Merrill Lynch took 90 percent control of a decade-old joint venture with DSP Consultants, and now has 400 India banking employees.
"You can never be positive, but the long-term trend is there," he said.