Free Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 CD

Nice...but I'm not sure if I wan't to risk losing my precious programs/homeworks that I spend hours creating if the thing crashes. I'm sure "but-my-Vista-crashed" excuse won't cut it when you have to explain to Dan :smt018. Remember it's a beta, which means that all the bugs/stability issues have not been ironed out yet.

If you have an extra desktop that you want to play around it...then's free why not? :)
hienqnguyen said:
Nice...but I'm not sure if I wan't to risk losing my precious programs/homeworks that I spend hours creating if the thing crashes. I'm sure "but-my-Vista-crashed" excuse won't cut it when you have to explain to Dan :smt018. Remember it's a beta, which means that all the bugs/stability issues have not been ironed out yet.

I'm planning to install a second hard drive in my laptop to play with vista/linux. Of course, it's not a good idea to have a Vista Beta as your main operating system. But it's really worthwhile to learn it and get used to it.
maxrum said:
I'm planning to install a second hard drive in my laptop to play with vista/linux. Of course, it's not a good idea to have a Vista Beta as your main operating system. But it's really worthwhile to learn it and get used to it.
If you ever actually get down to install these on your second HD, I suggest that you try Ubuntu first. The learning curve on Linux is very steep while Vista is just a new interface on top of an updated core. You'll learn how to use it in no time.
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