COMPARE Georgia Tech vs Stanford Masters in Engineering- Which one will open more doors in Finance?

Hello All

I have a question/dilemma. I am an undergrad majoring in Electrical Engineering (from Georgia Tech) and am looking to go on for my Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering. I have 2 options for my Master's- I can either go to Stanford or to Georgia Tech.

I have a very good undergraduate GPA and have internship experiences in the Technology Division of 2 leading investment banks. I do not want to stay in Technology and I want to perhaps move into Quant/IBanking/Sales & Trading. Which one of the two schools do you think will give me a better chance of getting into the careers listed above?

Thank You
Thank you for your reply Alexei

Even though my degree is not related to Finance, you still think that Stanford will give me better opportunities?

Also, could you possibly breif on why Stanford, maybe through personal experiences?

Thank You!
Stanford is one of the best uni in the world, at least if you refer to the name. There is no doubt that Stanford looks better on your CV than Georgia Tech. Also you will benefit from the alumni network and I do think that Stanford network is much larger than Georgia Tech in the financial industry.
I don't even think they are at the same scale. In engineering, Stanford is considered to have the 2nd best program in general (after MIT). Just check the rankings. For a career as a quant or in engineering, Stanford is the better name.
you could be a good candidate for Sales&Trading roles even now right after your undergrad...try networking now with your alumni or contacts :)