Getting position data into Excel tables in real time

I have been researching various methods for getting real time data into Excel. It looks like the best options are RTD or DDE.

The problem with RTD is that it only supports single cells, not ranges.

Let me give an exapmle. I have a library which is listening to various sources on the network and creating a data structure that has a list of positions.

If I use Excel's RTD functions to transfer the data, it would require that Excel has the list of instuments that were in the portfolio already.
cellA1 might have IBM
cellB1 would have a formula using the RTD function and pass A1 as a parameter.
cellA2 would have AAPL and so on

This doesn't work because the type and number of instruments change over time.

DDE seems like it might work better because it supports ranges, but I haven't done much testing yet.

Any recommendations?
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