GRE Math subject test in lieu of coursework?

It's my understanding that one of the best things an MFE applicant can possess is strong coursework in math/engineering/physics/"quantitative" subjects. I've got what I would characterize as a strong grounding in the sort of mathematical background MFE programs seem to want. The problem is that it's pretty much all self-taught, my undergraduate degree was in the liberal arts.

I've already taken the general GRE, 99% verbal and 98% quantitative. But in lieu of the time and non-trivial expense of taking a bunch of extension courses from the local university, would it be possible to take the GRE math subject test to demonstrate my knowledge? Assuming a reasonably good percentile score(say, 80+% at least) would my lack of formal mathematical education still hurt me? More broadly, is there any way to demonstrate mathematical education I've acquired outside of the classroom to MFE programs?
your gre scores looks good but additional scores make no economical sense. what admissions are looking for are aptitude through essays, goals and recommendations. make sure your writing is excellent enough to convince them to accept you.
I kindof doubt this would work. But you could try it. Try calling some programs and see if they would accept your proposal.

Another idea would be to take a graduate math class (such as functional analysis). That might help demonstrate that you really have learned the information in the prereqs.
How commoditized are the sort of math courses I'd need to show on an application? Is it going to be held against me if I show coursework from the local community college, as opposed to the same courses taken as extension classes from a more widely known university?
Well, I decided to take GRE subject as substitute for low undergrad GPA. But my score (750, 73%) was quite corresponding to my B+ GPA, so it did not make it much better:)