Hedge Funds or IB? MSc. Application Timelines?

Currently applying for PhDs but also looking at Finance...

Should I Focus on Hedge Funds or IBs?
I'm averaging over 90% on an MSc. in Theoretical Physics - largely the same as the TP route in Cambridge's Part III (notes and tutorials are the same). See my linkedin for modules - recently swapped a few pure S2 modules for relevant applied maths

How do MSc. students apply for grad programmes? I'm in a physics dept. so largely lacking in this info.
I've talked with guys from both Citi and Deutsche who came to our uni for quick meet-n-greets. They both seemed unaware that MSc. students finished in Sept. One junior analyst said, like him, I should work on my dissertation at the same time as starting work - avoiding a scathing remark, I will just say this isn't an option in TP
How do typical MFE students generally go about this?

With Relevance to both Questions
8m internship experience as Equity/Commodity Quant in IB Model Val.
Experience in Python development, web scraping and data architectures in SQL
Working on a paper in Deep Stochastic Machine Learning - hope to get published as a co-author

I do not have the hours to go through more than a couple of the long IB applications. We are all working 12-14hrs 7-days/wk to just stay on top of the high volume workload so I can't take out more than perhaps 4 days between now and Christmas for interviews / assessment centres