Hello there quanti-experts! 
First of all, I hope it is ok to put this in a new thread. If not, please move it to the right thread and tell me where it is, I'm new here and do not really know how things are done here!
So to my thread:
I conducted an online survey and should have enough responses (150+ to 300+, depending on the subrgoups I look at) for most puposes. I want to research the impact/relationship of some constructs on other constructs to confirm or deny my hypotheses (maybe also for different subgroups):
E.g. economic value -> repurchase intention -> actual usage/acquisition (= the respective impacts/relationships)
All are latent and besides actual usage all constructs where measured with at least three items.
I also would like to find out e.g. whether the impact of economic value on repurchase intention is stronger than the impact of e.g. functional value on repurchase intention. To compare the influenceing variables/constructs.
I have the following questions:
What kind of analyzes do I need to run? I forgot most about my statistics classes although I had quite good grades, just because it is so long ago.
I guess I'll have to check for t-test, p-value and many more but you already see, I don't remember hwat they were there for and how to measure them: What do I need to measure and analyze besides t-test?
E.g. Chi-value or something? Will I need Cronbach's α? What is it for? What else do I need?
Short info:
The constructs are adopted are taken from different renowned authors/studies (so my combination is new) as well as the items used. Do I need to test them again, e.g. the structural model or anything?
My advisor wants me to use SMART PLS, is that program helpful/desirable?
Do oyu have literature you can recommend for someone who doesn't remember all this stuff?
Do I need robustness checks and if yes which/how to do them?
If more information is needed to give me answers I'll happily provide it!
Hope you can help!
Kind regards

First of all, I hope it is ok to put this in a new thread. If not, please move it to the right thread and tell me where it is, I'm new here and do not really know how things are done here!

So to my thread:
I conducted an online survey and should have enough responses (150+ to 300+, depending on the subrgoups I look at) for most puposes. I want to research the impact/relationship of some constructs on other constructs to confirm or deny my hypotheses (maybe also for different subgroups):
E.g. economic value -> repurchase intention -> actual usage/acquisition (= the respective impacts/relationships)
All are latent and besides actual usage all constructs where measured with at least three items.
I also would like to find out e.g. whether the impact of economic value on repurchase intention is stronger than the impact of e.g. functional value on repurchase intention. To compare the influenceing variables/constructs.
I have the following questions:
What kind of analyzes do I need to run? I forgot most about my statistics classes although I had quite good grades, just because it is so long ago.
I guess I'll have to check for t-test, p-value and many more but you already see, I don't remember hwat they were there for and how to measure them: What do I need to measure and analyze besides t-test?
E.g. Chi-value or something? Will I need Cronbach's α? What is it for? What else do I need?
Short info:
The constructs are adopted are taken from different renowned authors/studies (so my combination is new) as well as the items used. Do I need to test them again, e.g. the structural model or anything?
My advisor wants me to use SMART PLS, is that program helpful/desirable?
Do oyu have literature you can recommend for someone who doesn't remember all this stuff?
Do I need robustness checks and if yes which/how to do them?
If more information is needed to give me answers I'll happily provide it!
Hope you can help!
Kind regards