Got admitted by these two programs. Don't know where to go.
I'll really appreicate your advise.

I know neither is top program in MFE area. But they are the only choices left for me. I plan to come back to my homecountry mainland China in the end.
Both programs are equally expensive in tuition, but living cost will be much cheaper in St. Loius.
Although both locations are not business center, I guess there maybe there are more opportunities in LA (I could be wrong).

- under math program
-1.5-2 years
- many math courses + some economics/finance courses. I'm told that classes are more about theories than applications.
- (I know repuatation is NOT very important.) USC seems have a better reputatation than WUSTL in mainland China.

- under business school. Professors in Olin Business school are better.
- 1.5 years
- all are finance courses. I'm worried whether I'll learn how to do quantitative analysis.
- MSQF is a new program and I didn't find many useful information about it. I'll really appreicate it if anyone could tell me more about this program.
what is WUSTL? Wash U?

Why USC has a better reputation than Wash U? Because the football team?
The program at WUSTL (WashU Olin Business School) is new in the sense that it has two tracks- Corporate Finance and Quantitative Finance (FE). In the past, the MSF at WASHU is one of the best in the country. It ranks up there with VANDY, Villanova, and MIT. It was ranked number 2 in the US by Financial Times and has had over 90% placement the last few years. However, that was before the program separated into two tracks. I'm suppose to receive more information from the career services center at WASHU about what they do for students in the Quantitative Track.

I do n0t know much about the program at USC except that it has been around for a while.