hi guys m new in town

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one naive question. i m more of a techy than a quant and reading up more on quant side. but after checking out online it looks like there are hordes of ppl jumping to join this race, there are tons of books telling u how to become a quant :) and i mean books not articles or wisdom shared by few. it feels its pretty much like java for dummies or those paid commercials on late night TV showing barely literate ppl claiming to have made millions of dollars buying and selling real estate.

how much space really is there in this field for one to get a job? with current economic crisis and banking industry going towards more traditional sources of revenue what does the job market look like from experts opinion. again i m nobody and dont know much but it feels like this field itself has a boom like real estate.

my investment strategy has been that when joe the plumber says there is money to be made somewhere i turn around and run for the other direction as fast as i can.

any thoughts shared by veterans who really know the stuff would be greatly appreciated.

looks like i got some thumbs down

guys i dont mean to offend anyone. I love this field as much as all of you and I joined this group because I want to learn more. But seriously I want to know what are the prospects of this industry say 5 -10 years down the line.

most ppl on this forum would know more than me about this subject. my role has been more of a front office tech quant kinda guy so i have little exposure and would really appreciate advice from experienced ppl.

I doubt that quant profession has reached the mass yet. I don't know what books and tv you saw but this is still a very niche field. Many people working on Wall Street still have no idea of what a quant does, or what quant is.
As for predictions, they are useless. We wouldn't be here today had predictions are correct and followed.
Stick to your day job or take a risk jumping in.
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