High Frequency Trading Group at Barclays Capital?

Just got a summer internship with HFT group at BarCap. Does anyone know how the group is?

What is future of HFT? will it expand a lot?

How do you think this internship comparing with JPMorgan Quant summer internship program?

A lot questions. Thanks ahead!
Shouldn't you have figured that out before you accepted the position?

JPM summer quant is in their strats group. It's a heavy quant position with lots of programming and math. It's filled with PhD's.

Barcap isn't really known for HFT. I don't think any of the banks are good for HFT. All the big guys have moved to the buy-side space.
Thanks, goldski.

I haven't accepted it yet. Still waiting for other interviews. Just curious about these different programs.
Thanks, goldski.

I haven't accepted it yet. Still waiting for other interviews. Just curious about these different programs.

It is still a good name to have on your resume going forward. Starting your career at a big name bank is the way to go I believe...regardless of what you're doing there.
Wall Street will over-hire and over-fire in good and bad time. So people employed in a fashionable space today will be the first to go when it's no longer hot. It's just the reality on Wall Street.
And I can't answer what hot/not tomorrow.